2022년 연봉 실수령액표 2022 annual salary real income table 40 million won

Now that life is getting harder and harder, there is good news. ​ The minimum wage has been decided in 2023, how much has it increased? Let’s find out about the past increase rate and the minimum wage system! ​ Oh, in addition, let’s find out the disadvantages of not complying with the minimum wage … Read more

실업급여 신청방법 Conditions for applying for unemployment benefits

Unemployment benefits are a system that provides opportunities for re-employment while helping workers to maintain a stable life and prevent insecurity in their livelihood due to unemployment. This is a system for people who have lost their income due to unemployment after working. Let’s take a closer look at what unemployment benefits are and how … Read more

토스뱅크 계좌개설 Toss Bank account opening 2% annual interest on parking passbook

I have a lot to say The first part is about a company called Toss without use. The analysis was verbose. ​ Toss bank account opening review 토스뱅크 계좌개설 It comes out after the middle of the post. Toss Bank, launched Toss, which is lagging behind Kakao Bank, has finally launched a bank. 이베이스매뉴얼 ​ … Read more

토스뱅크 사장님 마이너스통장 Toss Bank Negative Passbook Interest Rate Latest Status

I made this to use for a little while when I was doing public offerings. These days, there are no public offering stocks, so it is rare to use a negative bank account. I wish there were some great public offerings soon. ​ Recently, I received a notification from Toss that the loan limit has … Read more

가족관계증명서-pdf-저장-방법 How to issue a family relationship certificate online Save PDF file

How to issue a family relationship certificate online Save PDF file Now, you do not have to visit the district office for documents such as resident registration or family relations certificates, but as long as you have a PC and printer connected to the Internet, you can get documents for free anytime, anywhere. In my … Read more

농협 통장사본 How to print a copy of the Nonghyup passbook It is easy to do online.

A copy of the passbook literally means a copy after making a copy of the passbook. The place usually used by workers is often used for the purpose of receiving salaries from the employer side, and there are many places that require a copy of the bankbook because the government or local governments support policies … Read more