이마트 2 국민카드 KB Kookmin Card E-Mart 2 Card has been released.

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I thought I was a good person for discounts and benefits, but my husband also knows things I don’t know better.

Thanks to you, I learn a lot. 이베이스매뉴얼

이마트 2 국민카드

Today, I will write about how to earn more credit card points that I learned from my husband.

In summary, we use the affiliate shopping mall link in each card company application.

Internet shopping is fast, but using this method can be a bit cumbersome (I do it sometimes)

By bookmarking the link, you can access it quickly, and it shines especially when you pay a large amount. Also, it is compatible with the Shinhan Dermore Card, which is a lot of small internet shopping, so I think people who use it will be more interested.

In addition, this method is a function that is included in almost all credit card company applications as well as Shinhan Card and Kookmin Card.

So even if you don’t have both cards, you might want to take a look.

Shinhan Card All That Shopping: Shinhan Themore Card + 11st Combination

This is a capture of the amount of points accumulated on the Shinhan Themore Card last month.

In addition to the 30,000 won points accumulated by using the card, is there an accumulation called All That Shopping?

These are the points earned through affiliate shopping mall links.

In that case, once you log in to the E-Mart site, you start shopping after shopping in your shopping cart.

>> Method: Kookmin Card Lifeshop Affiliate Mall – SSG – Shopping Cart Payment – Check if E-Mart billing discount is applied and pay with Kookmin E-Mart Card

To use this method, it is convenient to start with at least 80,000 won in your shopping cart.