일신상의 이유 뜻 personal reasons, reasons / can I write in my resignation letter?!

I don’t know why

It seems that you’re in a situation where you’re writing a resignation letter. 일신상의 이유 뜻

Compared to this place I’ve stayed until now –

The place you’re going to is much nicer, and it’ll be great!

I’m rooting for a wonderful life in a better place,

Let’s find out the reasons for personal reasons and reasons together 🙂


personal reasons

Can I write it on my resignation letter?!

일신상의 이유 뜻

personal reasons, reasons..

You’ve all listened to it at least once, right?

I’m sure some of you have written your resignation directly?

When I left the company last time

I remember writing these six letters.


I have a lot to say, but I don’t.

I don’t want to say that,

I want to clean it up

Please don’t ask me any more questions, too,

I think I wrote it like this.

I think most people are similar

I think you’re looking for personal reasons, reasons, etc,

Just like the refreshing resignation clip that we see often

I wish I could write my resignation in a nice way

Actually, it’s not easy, is it


Quitting GIF collection ✨ Since you don’t know when to throw it, save it in your notebook
I never thought I’d start December’s first post with a quits gif… …but that’s why I quit…


So today, I’m going to tell you what’s commonly used in resignations

I’m going to find out about personal reasons and the meaning of reasons.

You can use it when you use it, or you can use it for a sick company..

It’s a letter of resignation that summarizes my past days

But we should know the meaning and write it down, right? 🙂

First, it means personal reasons and reasons.

“Reasons for personal reasons” in “ordinary dismissal”

in the fulfillment of an emergency obligation under the labor contract

the mental, physical, or necessary

other labor practices

a situation that significantly hinders eligibility

in the presence of workers

the worker is the one who has his or her own

in accordance with one’s position

I’m going to do what’s required

If you can’t afford it enough

In short, the worker’s own situation,

“Physical and mental situations” and so on

It is difficult to sustain the work.

I think it’s possible to summarize this much,

The words seem grand and difficult

Actually, there’s nothing much.

It just means your personal reason and circumstances!

The personal reasons, reasons, etc

When you try to get away from something, a problem, etc.,

It’s used a lot like a kind of idiom.

If you leave your seat due to your own fault

I don’t write down personal reasons and reasons.

“I’m going to take responsibility for something like this”

Because it’s a more accurate expression.

Therefore, writing personal reasons, reasons, etc. on the resignation letter

It doesn’t matter at all!


resignation due to the recommended resignation

If you don’t leave the company due to your own circumstances

Not receiving unemployment benefits, etc

It could be an unfair situation for you

personal reasons, not reasons

It would be right to write down a definite reason.

There are many companies that go out of business due to the difficult economic situation these days.

In fact, below is a question that’s been posted in the intellectual community,

I brought it in case there are people who are similar.


Source – Naver Intellectual

A company that went out of business due to COVID-19,

The CEO said on the job change confirmation

What if you reported it for personal reasons?!


The contents of the resignation confirmation submitted by the workplace

If it’s not true, the worker will go to the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service

I can request a correction of the job transfer confirmation!

If the employer submits a false confirmation of turnover

A fine of 1 million won!

The Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service has investigated the facts and is ex officio

I’m relieved to hear that I can correct my job transfer confirmation!

When applying for eligibility for job search benefits to the employment center,

If the reason for turnover in the confirmation of turnover is different from the facts

to the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation (☎1588-0075)

You can inquire about the correction process!

A beautiful person says that the past is beautiful,

It’s as important as the beginning

I think it’s the end, the end, and the arrangement.

If you have a warm letter of resignation in your heart today,

Anyway, everyone who is reading this

I hope you rest well.

You have to rest well so you can run again!

I summarized the reasons for personal reasons and reasons.

See you next time with more informative posts 🙂