정기예금 금리비교 Term Deposit Interest Rate Comparison

Term Deposit Interest Rate Comparison Summary
Interest rates remain relatively low these days due to various aftermaths. You can collect large sums of money in other ways than time deposits, but the easiest and most accessible way is to make large amounts of money with savings and check the interest rate comparison of time deposits carefully for the most efficient way to save money. Check out the content!

Many people make a lot of money using a fixed deposit, or when the time deposit expires, they find ways to finance the amount again and worry about it. 정기예금 금리비교

Term Deposit Interest Rate Comparison Selection Criteria 좋은뉴스

It can be seen that the current base interest rate is 0.5% to 0.7%, which is considerably lower than in the past. For this reason, it is also difficult to find a place where interest rates in the mid-1% range are paid by focusing on 1 financial sector by comparing the interest rates on time deposits at each bank.

There are a few things you need to know before comparing interest rates on term deposits. The first thing to do is to check whether you can receive a preferential interest rate or not, and to check whether it is possible to choose a shorter maturity. Even if it’s not short term, it doesn’t matter if you make a term deposit for 2 or 3 years.

정기예금 금리비교

Term Deposit Interest Rate Comparison Check

▶ You can check the time deposit rate comparison on the Jaetech portal site (http://finance.moneta.co.kr/). What we will check today is a comparison of interest rates when putting in 1 million won each for 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years. see below

Bank term deposit interest rate 1 year

▶ If you put in a term deposit with a simple interest rate for one year, the highest pre-tax interest rate of 0.71% is applied at Daegu Bank.


Bank term deposit interest rate 2 years

▶ And, when depositing a deposit for two years, a pre-tax interest rate of 0.85% is applied at Suhyup Bank, which has the highest interest rate.

Bank term deposit interest rate 3 years

▶ Also, if you put it in for 3 years, a pre-tax interest rate of 1.00% is applied at Citibank, which has the highest interest rate.

▶ If you want to receive a higher interest rate than a bank term deposit, it is also a good idea to pay attention to a savings bank. Although it is difficult to see an interest rate of 1% in commercial banks, savings banks can benefit from a relatively high pre-tax interest rate of 1.7% to 2.5%. See below.

Savings bank term deposit interest rate 1 year

Savings bank term deposit interest rate 2 years

Savings bank term deposit interest rate 3 years

What is the difference between a commercial bank and a savings bank?

First of all, the difference between a general bank and a savings bank is as follows. In the case of commercial banks (1 financial sector), the size of assets is large, asset quality and the number of customers are very large.

In the case of savings banks (2 financial sectors), it is difficult to attract customers who use banks from 2 financial sectors because there are many people from 1 financial sector. That is why we are offering conditions for higher interest rates.

Savings banks are also safe up to 50 million won in principal. Therefore, if it is less than 5 million won, it does not matter to some extent even if you deposit it in a savings bank.

To summarize, savings banks are relatively less reliable than other financial institutions. Instead, the high interest rate has an attractive advantage for that segment as well.

Today, we looked at the comparison of interest rates between commercial banks and savings banks. Please check the amount you want to save in the future and preferential interest rates, choose the product that best suits you, and find an efficient way.