새마을금고 금리비교 Saemaul Geumgo Interest Rate Comparison

Compare Saemaul Geumgo interest rates and view product information

What is the Saemaul Geumgo interest rate today?
Regarding what other products are
I want to inform you.

새마을금고 금리비교

Saemaul Geumgo is different from other financial institutions
Otherwise, the interest rate is different for each branch.
In fact, even in the first financial sector, the discretion of the branch manager or
Depending on your credit rating, the interest rate on your loan or deposit will vary.
Although it may be different, Saemaul Geumgo operates at each branch.
It operates with a little more independence.

Then, in earnest, the Saemaul Geumgo interest rate inquiry and 새마을금고 금리비교
Want to learn how to compare interest rates? 좋은뉴스

Naver or Daum portal site
Search for ‘Saemaul Geumgo’.
Then Saemaul Geumgo branch information, Internet banking, deposit products
and a link to view the loan products.


Saemaul Geumgo sub-menu retrieved from the portal
Select ‘Branch Information’ from the list.

Alternatively, you can click the branch information link below.

Saemaul Geumgo branch information link


Then, open the MG Saemaul Geumgo branch as shown below.
A searchable page will appear.
You can select directly from the map, or
You can also search for a branch by name or address.

Do you want to compare Saemaul Geumgo interest rates in earnest?

I am located in Dongjak-gu, Seoul.
Let’s choose Saemaul Geumgo.
You can also choose the branch you want to find.

Then, in Dongjak-gu, Seoul as follows:
All branches of Saemaul Geumgo
You can view it in list form.

And if you look to the right of each searched point,
You will see a button called [View Interest Rate].
Click the View Rates button
Various deposit and loan products at the applicable branch
And you can check the fee information.
It is possible to compare interest rates of various deposit products at the branch,
You can also check various product information.

Once in Dongjak-gu Nodeul (Main Branch) [View Interest Rate]
Let’s click the button.

For each deposit product, the deposit amount and deposit period
You can see how different interest rates vary.
You can also see savings products,
It is also possible to check which product is a high-interest savings account.

As such, the Saemaul Geumgo is to some extent
Although providing basic guidelines,
Compared to other financial institutions, each branch
Independent operation is a bit higher.
So, if you do a search, you will find
The deposit and loan interest rates announced by each branch are
Each branch is often quite different.

For example, at any two points
Shall we compare interest rates at Saemaul Geumgo?

As of September 17, 2016 as of now
Online Ordinary Deposit at Nodeul (Main Branch), Dongjak-gu, Seoul
While the interest rate on products is 0.1% per annum,
Saemaul Geumgo, the main branch of Gyeongsangbuk-do Dongcheong, is located in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do.
The interest rate for online ordinary deposit products is as low as 0.05%.
On the other hand, the lowest interest rate on household general fund loans at the same branch
in comparison
Dongjak-gu Nodeul (main branch) is 3.37%~,
Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Office (headquarters) is lower at 2.74%~.

The interest rate for each branch is continuously
It is subject to change, so it may change again.

Therefore, if you are using MG Saemaul Geumgo,
At any point in the product that is advantageous to you
Check out the various branch products first
Check it on the internet, and
Please visit us for a consultation.

Saemaul Geumgo interest rate comparison information
We have provided guidance on how to view it.