국민연금 환급금 National pension refund

You may have heard that my money is dormant not only in dormant bank accounts, but also in health insurance and national pension refunds without my knowledge. This kind of refund doesn’t happen often, but if you get a refund, there are many articles saying that it is being refunded as a bundle of Shin Saimdang bills, so many people are curious about how to retrieve the refund and get it back.


Below we will tell you how to find your National Pension and Health Insurance refund. 국민연금 환급금


국민연금 환급금

🔻 Average of KRW 1.35 million health insurance refund inquiry 🔻

National Health Insurance refund inquiry and application method 좋은뉴스

Did you know that you can get an average of 1,350,000 won back per person if you pay more monthly National Health Insurance premiums than you actually have to pay and inquire about National Health Insurance refunds? really


<Order of Reading>

1. Causes of National Pension Refunds

2. National pension refund expires after the period

3. Order of National Pension Refund Inquiry and Application



1. Causes of National Pension Refunds

1st: Amount incurred due to double payment or mistaken payment of insurance premiums


2nd: Amounts normally notified of levy but incurred due to loss of eligibility and retroactive reduction adjustment of levy data



2. National pension refund expires after the period
In order to receive a refund, you must apply for the National Pension within 5 years from the time you paid the National Pension premium. After that period, the right even if it is my money expires.


For reference, the statute of limitations for health insurance refunds is three years.


3. Order of National Pension Refund Inquiry and Application

The National Pension Refund inquiry and application website is conducted through the website of the National Health Insurance Service.


Search and access ‘National Health Insurance Corporation’ on Naver, Google, and Daum, or click the link below to go to the homepage immediately.


>> Go to the National Health Insurance Corporation homepage <<


Health Insurance Corporation website main
Accessed the website of the National Health Insurance Service.


Click Login to verify your identity

Then the above screen will be displayed. Go to the login screen to verify your identity. To log in, you can proceed with a joint certificate issued by a bank or simple authentication issued by Naver or Kakao.


Click on Refund inquiry request
After logging in, click Search/Request Refund in the customizable menu for each visitor located in the center of the main page.


If there is an amount to be refunded, the amount will be displayed on the screen above. Check the box for the refund you want to get back and click the Apply button.


Check all information collection provision boxes to agree and click the OK button.


Enter the required information such as the name of the applicant to be refunded, social security number, and phone number.


Enter the account information to be refunded. Enter the transaction bank and account number and click the Account Verification button. If you click the application button located at the bottom, you can get your national pension refund refunded within 2 business days of the bank.