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hello! Today, I would like to share with you information about the Yun Seok-Yeol administration’s ‘plan for unification at all ages’.

I wonder if a new age calculation method will be introduced within a year at the earliest. Please read the article below and check the new age calculation method 🙂

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐
1. Korea to be unified by age
2. Advantages of using only age
3. Time of introduction
4. A good article to read together

Before I start this article, I would like to give you some ⭐ honey info⭐.

I read a recent article that there are many people who are paying more health insurance premiums than they should.

In this case, you can get a certain amount back from the excess amount by going to the website of the Health Insurance Corporation.

It can be viewed in 1 minute, so be sure to check it out too!

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A new ten-year unification plan

One of the representative promises of the Yun Seok-Yeol government is ‘a new plan for unification at all ages’. 만 나이 계산기

In fact, many people are confused because of the mixed age calculation method, the legal system of our country. A plan is being pursued to unify the social age calculation method with the international standard of 10,000.

According to the existing age calculation method, a child born on December 31 becomes one more year after just one day, and a child born only two days old turns 2 (?).

If the age is unified, this Korean age calculation method will disappear. 좋은뉴스

🔎 3 Current Age Calculation Methods

Currently, there are three methods of calculating age in Korea: 1) Korean age, 2) age, 3) age.

In everyday life, the Korean age, ‘counting age’, is used in the law, but ‘year age’ is used for school age or military enlistment age, which is the current year minus the year of birth. You must have done it a lot.

In Korea, most people use the Korean age, but the current international standard is ‘10,000 age’, so if you go abroad or meet foreign friends, you must have thought, ‘How old should I be?’

In fact, many people are experiencing inconvenience due to the mixing of age calculation methods. According to a recent survey, the proportion of people in favor of introducing a new age-unification plan was overwhelmingly high, with more than 65% of the total respondents.

⭐ How to calculate future age?

If the age is unified and used, the age will not increase when the year changes, but it will become +1 after the birthday passes.

Let’s take a look through an example.


A (born April 26, 1993)

B (born on August 26, 1993)

On April 26, 2023, two friends of the same age who were born in 1993 gathered for A’s birthday.

Friends who were of the same age until last year were unified by their age, so that A becomes one year older than B.

Since their birthdays are 4 months apart, A can hear from B for at least 4 months, right?^^;;

What’s the best thing about being unified by age?

If so, what kind of things would be good if we were to be unified by age?

First of all, you can immediately feel like you are being compensated for the two or three years lost due to the corona virus over the past period.

It’s a pity that the younger generation can’t enjoy it as much as the younger generation due to the corona virus that has been going on for a long time than expected, and the middle-aged and older people would have had children because they couldn’t travel even for a day younger. I think it might be able to alleviate some of the disappointment.

In addition, the legal and social age calculation method has not been unified, resulting in considerable social and economic costs.

When to introduce a new full age

Regarding the introduction of the new age calculation method, the Ministry of Legislation is aiming to prepare an amendment to the Basic Administrative Act and submit it to the National Assembly within this year so that it can pass the National Assembly by next year.

Maybe at the earliest next year, wouldn’t it be possible to live one or two years younger?

It will not be easy to change the Korean age, which has been used for a long time, overnight.

In fact, it is pointed out that ‘the custom of using the K-age will not be easily changed this time’.

No matter how good an amendment is, if you try to change it abruptly, there is bound to be a dissonance somewhere.

In the future, the government will have to put in a lot of effort to make a soft landing in our society through a campaign to change the perception of unification at all ages as well as work on legislation to change the social perception.

So far, I’ve informed you about the new age unification plan, but I’ll leave it below an article worth reading together, so please read it when you have time.