카카오톡 차단 확인 Check Kakao Talk Blocking

KakaoTalk, which has been in service since 2010, boasts the highest market share in Korea.

KakaoTalk is an app that allows you to send and receive messages without billing for text messages using the data communication function.

You can also update your friends list by importing all the contact information from your current smartphone.

There are some things that many people are curious about while using KakaoTalk.

Many of you are wondering if there are any friends who have blocked you from my KakaoTalk friends list.

Unfortunately, there is currently no official way to check whether KakaoTalk friends are blocked.

But if you use a little trick

You can easily see whether the other person has blocked you or not.

카카오톡 차단 확인

How to check KakaoTalk friend blocking 카카오톡 차단 확인

# Use some shortcuts. 좋은뉴스

I will start by briefly explaining how to check KakaoTalk friend blocking and the process.

1. Delete the other party’s phone number from the smartphone contacts.

2. Block the KakaoTalk friend you want to check whether it is blocked.

3. Go to Manage Blocked Friends menu to unblock.

4. Refresh your friends list.

5. Check if the friend appears in ‘Meet a new friend!’.

If that friend appears on the recommended friend list

The other person didn’t block me.

But if that friend is not on the recommended friend list

The other person blocked me.

The principle of checking whether or not blocking is as follows.

First of all, the most important thing is that you and the other party turn on the ‘Allow friend recommendation’ option.

It must be set, but you can check whether KakaoTalk friends are blocked.

Because most people set the ‘Allow friend recommendations’ option to ON.

With a high probability, you will be able to check whether it is blocked or not.

The first thing you should do is to delete the contact of the friend you want to check whether it is blocked or not.

If you have deleted your friend’s contact information,

Now, KakaoTalk blocks the friend.

If you have completed blocking KakaoTalk friends,

At the bottom right, click the three dots (More).

Then, click the gear icon (settings) in the upper right corner.

If you enter the settings menu,

Go to the ‘Friends’ menu.

Click ‘Manage Blocked Friends’ in Friend Management.

In the Manage Blocked Friends window, there will be friends you have blocked before.

After finding the friend, click ‘Manage’ on the right.

Then check ‘Unblock’ and click OK.

This is the most important part.

When I unblock it, it says “Unblocked.

Would you like to add XXX as a friend right now?” window will appear.

You have to click ‘Cancel’ here.

Now go back and refresh your friends list.

Click ‘Refresh Friend List’.

You will then see a message saying “Refresh is complete.”

In addition, change the ‘Allow Friend Recommendation’ option below to ON as above.

Then go back to the main KakaoTalk.

Now you are returned to the main screen where you can see the list of KakaoTalk friends.

Then, you can see the message ‘Meet a new friend!’ at the top.

Touch the message.

If a friend who has taken a blocking test appears in the recommended friends list

I’m not blocked by that person.

But if that friend is not on your recommended friends list

Chances are you’ve been blocked.

Of course, we cannot guarantee 100%.

This is because there is a possibility that the other party has the ‘Allow friend recommendation’ option set to OFF.

I say it over and over again

In order to accurately perform the KakaoTalk friend blocking test,

This means that you and the other person have to set the ‘Allow Friend Referral’ option to ON.