태아보험 가입시기 [PRNewswire] Prenatal Insurance License and Disability, Advantageous Tips for Subscribers | yunhap news

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Delivery time2020-09-16 14:29

(Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 16, 2020 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) As demand for newborn insurance increases, related information is pouring out from various media outlets. However, when checking the floating information, it was confirmed that there were many cases where the guarantee had already been changed or the information was incorrect in the first place.

Inquiries were made to the insurance consulting group Insurab to confirm the need for and necessary information to sign up for accurate newborn insurance.
○ Enrollment time to secure advantageous coverage
Since insurance decides whether or not to sign up for insurance considering the condition of the insured person, it is good to prepare insurance for children before infancy, when accidents and diseases often occur. Recently, as the risk of premature birth and congenital abnormalities has increased, children’s insurance is purchased in advance during pregnancy to secure coverage immediately after birth.
Child insurance purchased during pregnancy is also referred to as fetal insurance, and depending on the time of subscription, special contracts for the fetus or maternity can be added to prepare insurance related to pregnancy and childbirth, such as daily hospitalization for a low-weight baby in an incubator, operating expenses for congenital abnormalities, and caesarean section. If you want to prepare for an increase in insurance premium or reduction in coverage, you can prepare to sign up from the beginning of pregnancy, and it is recommended that you sign up before 22 weeks of pregnancy at the latest to compare all insurance products.
○ Too cheap or expensive insurance premiums… Need to check if there are any problems
It is natural that insurance and insurance premiums are proportional. Insurance that is cheap or has a lot of guarantees is not advantageous to the subscriber. It is recommended to check the subscription ranking or recommendation ranking to check the average insurance premium before subscribing. If the difference between the generally known insurance premium and the amount is large, it is good to check whether there is a problem with the design.
○ From actual expenses for newborns to comprehensive insurance for children… Sign up for only the necessary coverage at a reasonable price
Recently, the number of subscribers who want to prepare the necessary security for their children in advance with fetal insurance until the age of 30 or older and until the age of 100 is increasing. Low child insurance premiums and benefits can secure a large guarantee, but if the monthly premium is burdensome, it is better to choose a pure guarantee product instead of a refund-to-maturity product or customize the collateral and special contract to reduce the possibility of early termination. In addition, unlike the idea that direct fetal insurance subscription will be much cheaper, it is important to keep in mind that after customized comparison, subscription can quickly apply real-time changing guarantees, special contracts, and prices with professional information, making it possible to design economically from a long-term perspective. .
On the fetal insurance comparison site, you can check the ranking comparison of all non-life insurance companies and life insurance companies such as △Hyundai Marine, △Meritz Fire, △KB Insurance, and △Samsung Fire. It provides comprehensive services from the obligation to notify before subscribing to document processing after subscribing to △natural pregnancy, △artificial insemination, △tricks including △in vitro fertilization, △twin fetus insurance, and △abortion prevention injection. If you choose a corporate agency managed by the Financial Supervisory Service, paying attention to expensive baby strollers, car seats, baby carriers, and other expensive baby carriers, you can start preparing for safe insurance.
Link: http://news.insulab.co.kr/?a=581
Photos – https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200916/2918840-1
[Editor’s Note] This paper was provided by the data provider, and Yonhap News does not make any edits to the contents.

Report via KakaoTalk okjebo

2020/09/16 14:29 Send

(C) Yonhapnews [CEO] Seong Ki-hong [Editor] Kang Kang-young

태아보험 가입시기
