크롬다크모드 해제 How to Disable Dark Mode in Chrome

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1. After launching the Chrome browser, click the […] menu at the top right to enter the [Settings] menu at the bottom.

2. After clicking the [Appearance] menu on the left side of the settings screen, click the [Theme] Open Chrome Web Store menu at the top center to access the store or click the link below to access it.

📌 Go to Web Store

3. When you access the store, you will see various themes. Since we need to set the chrome dark mode to reduce eye strain, click the theme you want, such as Morpheon Dark or Just Black.

4. Confirm whether the selected theme is the theme you want through the slides. For reference, I chose the popular Morpheon Dark theme with the least eye strain.

5. If you like the theme, click the Add to Chrome menu at the top right.

6. When the installation is complete, it is applied to the Chrome browser immediately. When you enter the actual portal site, you can see that the changes have been made as follows.

Certainly, the chrome dark mode may reduce eye fatigue, but the readability actually seems to be a little less.

7. To enable or disable the dark mode, after launching the Chrome browser, click the Settings button at the bottom right and select Enable or Disable the dark theme for convenient use at that time.

How to disable chrome dark mode is very simple. After selecting […] on the right side of the Chrome browser, press Settings to enter the settings screen and click the [Appearance] menu on the left to see the installed themes as shown below. .

In addition, there are ways to change it through the Chrome browser shortcut shortcut icon setting or by modifying the Windows 10 settings, but it seems to be the easiest way to install and use it through the Chrome Web Store.

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