청소년증 발급방법 How to issue a youth card

One of the inconvenient parts of traveling with children is that they do not have ID cards. When attending a performance or museum, you must carry a copy of your resident registration with you to verify your age, and if you do not prepare it, you may find yourself in an awkward situation. However, obtaining a youth ID card, an identification card for children, is not only convenient but also provides various benefits.

청소년증 발급방법

청소년증 발급방법

When I entered elementary school, I couldn’t even think about getting a youth ID card, but now I got it myself and it was so convenient and great that I’m sharing the method of getting one. If you don’t know how to get it issued or are worried that the process might be complicated, please take a look at how I got it issued and apply for it as soon as possible to enjoy the benefits.





1. What is adolescent syndrome?

A youth ID card is an identification card issued by the head of a local government to youth between the ages of 9 and 18. It is a type of ID card that functions like an adult’s resident registration card. Unlike a student ID, it has your resident registration number written on it and the seal of the head of the local government stamped on it, so it is recommended to make it separately from your student ID.


Since the majority of teenagers in Korea go to school, middle and high school students have student IDs. However, non-student teenagers who do not attend school and elementary school students over the age of 9 may find it inconvenient because it is difficult to provide proof of identity when making financial transactions or verifying their identity. It is useful to obtain a youth ID card. It can be used easily





2. Conditions and materials for issuance of youth card

1) Applicant

: Youth (age 9 to 18) or legal representative

2) Application location

: Regardless of address, the nearest town, myeon, or dong administrative welfare center (community center)

3) Submission documents

: 1 photo (3cm x 4cm size, ID photo taken within 6 months)
: Issuance application form (located at the community center)
: Proof of representation (family relationship certificate, ID card)

4) Issuance cost: Free


To obtain a youth ID card, it is recommended that you visit a nearby community center and apply, regardless of your address. You can apply online, but you will need your own certificate when applying online. Since children often do not have certificates, you or your guardian must visit the community center in person.







I visited and applied on behalf of my child. Like me, a guardian such as a parent or family member can also apply on behalf of the child, but in this case, you must bring representative documents such as a family relationship certificate. However, since the place to apply is the community center, you don’t have to prepare separately, but you can collect the documents on site with just your ID card.


In conclusion, the issuance application form is available at the community center, and the family relationship certificate can also be issued at the community center, and it is free of charge, so if a parent, like me, applies for issuance on their behalf, all they have to do is bring one photo of the child and an ID card and visit. . It’s simpler than you think!





3. Youth ID issuance method and procedure

1) Application

: Youth himself or his representative

2) Reception

: Happiness e-system for online applications at nearby community centers

3) Production

: Real-time issuance status can be checked at Korea Minting and Minting Corporation (http://www.komsco.com)

4) Issuance

: Receive in person or register (cost incurred)

5) Use

: Preferential benefits available with official ID


Youth ID cards can be issued in two types: expanded and basic. The expanded type is a card type with a prepaid transportation card function added to the ID card, and can be issued in one of three types: Rail Plus, One Pass, and Cashbee. The basic type is a form of general ID that is a substitute for a simple ID and does not have a transportation card function.





It takes an average of 3 to 4 weeks to apply for a youth ID card. During that period, a temporary youth ID card was created that could be used in place of a youth ID card with the same effect. It was in the form of a document containing the details of the youth card application written on A4 paper. However, it is said that the effect is the same, so please make sure to bring a temporary youth ID card and use it until the issuance is complete.





Once the issuance is complete, the Community Center will send a text message with pickup instructions to your contact number, and you can visit the issuing institution in person to receive it. Registered receipt is also possible, but in this case, I was told that there would be a separate fee for registering, so I went to visit and received it. If you are curious about the issuance status, you can check the status in real time on the Korea Minting and Minting Corporation website, so if you are curious, please use it.



4. Youth ID discounts and benefits

Transportation: Bus (excluding express buses), subway 20-40%, railway 10-50%, ferry 10-50%


Palaces, tombs: exemption ~ around 10%


Museums, art galleries, parks: exemption ~20%


Natural Recreational Forest: 10~50%


Baseball stadium: 5,000 won~8,000 won discount (Incheon SSG)


Movie theater: 1,000 won~3,000 won discount


Books (Kyobo Bookstore, Youngpoong Bookstore): 10%


When I was issued a child and youth ID card and used it, there were various discount benefits, but the one discount that you must enjoy as a youth ID card was the book discount at the bookstore. Kyobo Bookstore and Youngpoong Bookstore are large bookstores that are frequently visited and convenient to visit, and you can get a 10% discount on books here.


When purchasing children’s books, many people order them online due to the cost, but it was great to be able to select books at the store and receive a discount after receiving a youth ID card. One thing to keep in mind is that you must be accompanied by a child to receive a discount, so we recommend that you bring your youth ID card and purchase books with your child.