차선변경 위반 범칙금 Violation of the ban on interfering – 100% penalty of 40,000 won?

차선변경 위반 범칙금You can often meet sloppy drivers who cut in during commuting traffic jams. Even though I knew in advance the habitual traffic jams where I had to change lanes, I got angry every time I saw a driver who was really mean and cut in. However, there is no need to get angry after knowing the violation of the cut-in ban. Don’t be angry now. It feels more refreshing if you just intervene and pay a fine of 40,000 won. BANG BANG~ A single financial treatment is more powerful than sounding a horn.


Violation of the prohibition of barging in – result of financial treatment

Cutting-in and lane-changing have the same action but completely different meanings. A normal change to another lane is called a lane change, and an illegal change is called a cut-in.

Most of what we think of as offensive barges is a no-barsing violation. Why get upset? Shall we give an example?

I can’t help but get angry when I see this. I used to honk loudly when I saw these cars, but I don’t do that anymore.
I press the black box emergency recording button.

A fine of 40,000 won for a car and 50,000 won for a van is imposed for violation of the prohibition of barging in.

This is the most important reporting requirement.
As explained earlier, most unpleasant interruptions are violations of the prohibition against interrupting.

The part to keep an eye on when reporting is the speed of the surrounding vehicles.
Changing lanes when passing at the same speed as the next lane is considered a normal lane change.

But my lane is being pushed back, but suddenly coming into my lane from the fast-passing next lane is like cutting in.
This applies to highways as well as regular roads.

What if it intervenes on the solid line? (Report change of lane on solid line)

What if it cuts in without a blinker? (report the blinker not lit)

1. Securing black box recording records (front and back)
When reporting a cut-in, many police officers request a black box at the back. The reason is that it is necessary to check whether the vehicle is congested.

From now on, the black box seems to be used for identifying license plates of violating vehicles, and the rear black box is used for checking congestion sections.

2. Report through Smart National Reporting
Blackbox reporting is done through Smart National Reporting. You can report it on the website on a PC or on an app on a mobile phone.

Smart National Reporting (PC)
Smart National Reporting (Android)
Smart National Reporting (iPhone)


차선변경 위반 범칙금
