차량기준가액 조회방법Also called car value, it refers to the current value of car assets, and is usually needed when searching based on subscription income and assets, such as rental housing or happy housing.
Since a car is an asset, having a lot of assets is proof of high income, so it can be understood as a concept of checking whether standards are met for fairness in relation to welfare or policies related to the country, such as public sales and public rental. Additionally, it is also used in calculating acquisition tax for used car sales.
Since there are clear standards for calculating the current value of automobile assets, it is most accurate to check the vehicle value on the Korea Insurance Development Institute or Bokbo website.
You can search through the link, and it is best to refer to the notes below. (https://www.kidi.or.kr/user/car/carprice.do)
Insurance Development Institute > Notification Square > Vehicle standard value > Domestic/foreign > Domestic
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The value of a car decreases the older it is. For accurate standards, you can check the standards for real estate subscriptions such as housing subscription applications by checking the vehicle value on the Korea Insurance Development Institute website, and you can also check for acquisition tax calculation when selling a used car. Additionally, regarding subscription, you may wish to refer to the information below.
2022.12.29 – [Life Information/Real Estate] – [Housing Subscription] Differences between public and private sales
[Housing Subscription] Differences between public and private sales
Differences between public and private sales Everyone sleeps comfortably at home, and lives in the home through methods such as monthly rent, lease, or sale. Among them, one of the methods of selling is housing subscription.