중소기업 청년 전세대출 Summary of monthly rent deposit loan support for young people employed by small and medium-sized businesses (latest in 2022) – Young people’s economic stories

중소기업 청년 전세대출I hope this will be of help to you as I will now tell you what the monthly rent deposit loan is that is provided to young people working in small and medium-sized businesses who do not own a home.

As one of the youth support projects being carried out by the Housing and Urban Fund for young people, it specifically provides deposits for monthly rent to young people employed in small and medium-sized businesses. Therefore, it can be a great help to young people who do not own a home and do not have enough funds to purchase a house, so the use of it by young people is very high.

In order to use this product, you must confirm that you meet the standards specified in the Housing and Urban Fund. Those who can use it are as follows:
You must meet the criteria specified above to receive deposit support for jeonse and monthly rent, so be sure to check your eligibility for a jeonse or monthly rent deposit loan before using it.

Currently, there are two ways to apply for a deposit for rent: online application and application by visiting the bank.
To apply online, visit the Fund e-Deunden website and follow the instructions.

You can visit a total of 5 fund custodians (Woori, Shinhan, Kookmin, Nonghyup, and Industrial Bank of Korea) and receive guidance through screening.

Both online and bank application methods require documents to be submitted by the customer. Required supporting documents are as follows:
There are various documents required depending on the category, so please refer to the Housing and Urban Fund website for more details.

Young people who have been employed for more than one year can use it up to a limit of 100 million won, but if they have been employed for less than a year, it may be limited to 20 million won. Therefore, it can be said to be easy to use for young people who have been using it for over a year, and since it is repaid in a lump sum at maturity, you can repay it at maturity after using it for a set period of time.

loan limit
loan interest rate
loan period
repayment method
Early repayment fee
There are set standards for housing to which a deposit loan for monthly rent can be applied. To apply, you must find a house with an exclusive rental area of ​​85㎡ or less, and in the case of a rental deposit, it can be applied within the range of 200 million won or less. (Residential officetel can also be applied up to 85㎡ or less)

We looked into the monthly rent deposit loan, a product provided to young people employed in small and medium-sized businesses. The products provided by the Housing and Urban Fund provide a housing-related support system to young people and newlyweds as well.

Complete summary of how to apply for a jeonse loan for newlyweds in 2022, documents, low interest rates, and limits
In the process of purchasing a newlywed home, we provide rental funds to newlyweds who are unable to secure a rental home due to lack of funds. Since the amount and criteria for receiving support differ depending on the region, it is difficult to purchase a newlywed home.
Summary of how to get a support deposit loan
The support jeonse fund loan is one of the loan products supported by the government, and is a product that provides loans to people who do not have enough money to use as jeonse funds. As the current policy continues to change,
We hope that you will receive a lot of help in establishing a stable life and housing by using our products targeting young people and newlyweds.

※ Reference article for housing and rental financing support project

[Loan Information] – Conditions and eligibility for Stepping Stone Loan to purchase your own home and how to use it effectively
[Life Information] – Find out how to apply and qualify for LH youth jeonse rental housing
[Loan Information] – Find out how to apply for LH lease loan, eligibility conditions, and limit
[Loan information] – Summary of application methods and eligibility conditions for small and medium-sized youth jeonse loan

중소기업 청년 전세대출
