전기장판 버리는 법 Separate collection of electric pads How to dispose of electric cushions (umbrella iron electric mats)

I will separate the recyclables that I always do in my life, but which one is this every time? Do you have any experience where you were confused? Since there are so many different types of waste and it is difficult to write down all of them in detail, it is usually judged whether or not to separate collection based on the type of material. 전기장판 버리는 법

전기장판 버리는 법

Umbrellas, flower pots, tools, etc. are exceptionally confusing, so there are times when I worry about where to throw them away. I’m worried because it’s so ambiguous that there’s a material of iron to call it garbage, and plastic, cloth, and wire to separate collection. 1분전

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Umbrellas are divided into materials such as iron core, vinyl, and handles. If possible, it is desirable to separate all of them and separate collection. I’m having a hard time trying to separate the umbrella. As for the method, you can check that the cloth part and the iron part of the umbrella are stitched. If you cut the stitching part with scissors, it will come loose like a thread and can be separated quite easily. So, throw away the cloth part as general garbage, and iron can be recycled, so you can dispose of it through separate collection.

Others can be disposed of in vinyl or general trash, but it is correct to separate and discharge the iron in the core as scrap metal. Also, an electric blanket, a household item that warms the blanket in winter! It must be difficult to know how to throw it away when it is broken or replaced.

Since this is not recyclable, you can put it in the general volume-based bag and throw it away. If the volume is too large to fit, you must report it as oversized waste and pay a fee before discarding it.

All electric blankets and electric cushions should be disposed of as general garbage or bulky waste, not separate collection as general garbage.

Broken glass or sharp objects are dangerous, so how should they be disposed of? If you want to, you can wrap them in newspaper, wrap them again with vinyl or cloth, and then treat them with writing. People who clean up wrap their hands well so that they don’t get hurt, and I wrap them with tape and throw them away thinking about safety.

I think you just need to wrap it carefully with newspaper or tissue paper so that you won’t get hurt if I catch it carelessly.

For separate collection, it would be nice if you remember the principle of emptying, rinsing, and separating without mixing, along with understanding each material. I learned how to separate and dispose of electric pads and how to dispose of umbrella iron electric mats. Separate the fabric and iron parts of umbrellas before disposing of them, and don’t forget to dispose of all electrical appliances as general trash. It’s a bit cumbersome, but since separate collection is the way to save the environment, I think it would be nice to practice it in everyone’s life.