장기 연체자 대출 22 million won approval case for low-credit office worker with long-term delinquency history within 2 years!!! > Loan Case – Bank & Loan Co., Ltd. Loan Brokerage

장기 연체자 대출Hello~ Today, I will tell you about the loan case of customer Kim **, whom I consulted with.

Customer ** Kim was an office worker covered by one of the four major insurance policies, and his monthly reported income was approximately 3 million won.

Although the expected loan was not large, the credit rating was very low due to credit card usage within 2 years and long-term delinquency at the savings bank.

He applied for a loan from a financial company, but all applications were rejected. After consultation, I took into account the delinquency history and

We selected a financial company that could approve a loan, and as a result, one financial company provided 22 million won.

Approved. The customer had a hard time because there were many rejections before the consultation, but in the end,

They were very satisfied as they were able to receive additional funds and even refinance their existing high-interest loans.

Below is a screenshot of a portion of the KakaoTalk consultation between me and customer **Kim, so please refer to it and find it helpful.

I hope so. thank you ^^

Company name: Bank & Loan Loan Brokerage Co., Ltd. ㅣ Representative: Gyu-yeol Choi ㅣ Corporate business registration number: 125-81-99378 | Location: Room 505, Building B, Dongtanji Well Estate, 160 Dongtanbanseok-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do ㅣ Business Type: Loan Brokerage ㅣ Main Number: 1599-2486

2022-Gyeonggi Hwaseong-0014 (loan brokerage) ㅣCorporate registration number: 131311-0110729
| Name of attempted loan business registration: Gyeonggi-do Hwaseong City Hall (Loan Business Manager: 031-5189-2694)

Loan interest rate: Within 20% per annum (Delinquent interest rate: Within +3% of agreed interest, within 20% per annum) (Applies to new contracts, renewals, and extensions from 2021.07.07)ㅣNo separate brokerage fees are charged other than interest. It is illegal to request or receive a brokerage fee. There are no handling fees, early repayment fees, or other incidental costs. However, only for some secured loan products, mortgage, termination costs, and early repayment fees may be incurred (early repayment fee: within 2 years from the loan date, within 3% of the early repayment principal, applied differently depending on the financial company handling it. .However, the sum of already paid interest and early repayment fee does not exceed 20% per year)
The repayment periods for products advertised on the Bank & Loan Loan Brokerage Co., Ltd. website are all between 60 days and less than 60 months. Example of total loan cost (equal repayment of principal and interest) If you borrow KRW 1,000,000 with an interest rate of 20% for 12 months and a maximum annual interest rate of 20%, the total repayment amount is KRW 1,111,614. It may vary depending on the repayment method for each loan product.
Holders of public information, credit rating information, default information, etc. may be restricted from receiving loans.
[Excessive debt is the beginning of suffering. When taking out a loan, other financial transactions may be restricted due to a drop in credit rating or personal credit score.]
General financial consumers have the right to receive a sufficient explanation from financial sales business operators, and after understanding the explanation, please read the financial product manual and terms and conditions before concluding a contract.
If the principal and interest to be paid over a certain period of time are delinquent, you may be obligated to repay all the principal and interest before the contract expiration date.
Our company is a loan brokerage company that brokers loans from multiple financial sales businesses, and is registered as a regular member of the Loan Finance Association.
The direct sellers of the product are Golden Capital Loan Co., Ltd., OK Financial Loan Co., Ltd., Geo Capital Loan Co., Ltd., Yellow Capital Loan Co., Ltd., H&H Financial Co., Ltd., and APL Financial Loan Co., Ltd. Through a contract, I am in charge of advertising and brokerage work at Bank & Loan Loan Brokerage Co., Ltd. There is no authority to conclude a contract during brokerage.ㅣPhone number: 1599-2486
Copyright (c) BANK & LOAN Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved

장기 연체자 대출
