자동차세 환급 How to apply for a car tax refund – What you must do after disposing of a car

자동차세 환급For example, if you pay your car tax in January and pay one year’s tax in advance, and then dispose of the vehicle around May, you can receive a refund by calculating the car tax for the remaining 7 months on a pro-rata basis.

In addition, if you have a reason for scrapping a car, transferring ownership of a car (selling), or paying double taxes, you must not forget to apply for a refund along with a car insurance refund because you will not be able to get a refund if you do not apply for a refund.

Automobile tax refunds can be made after receiving notification of the refund decision from the local government in charge.

1. To apply for a car tax refund online, first access the Witax official website and then log in with a public certificate (joint certificate) or financial certificate.

> Go to Witax official website

2. Click the local tax menu in the refund application menu.

Local tax-refund-application-screen

3. In the refund history inquiry, check the refundable amount, tax item name, and application date.

Local tax-refund-check details

4. Check refund details.

Refund details – detailed inquiry

5. Enter the refund application account and refund information (phone number, mobile phone number, etc.) and press the application button. [Footnote:1]

Refund application account-confirmation screen

6. The local tax refund application has been completed.

Local tax refund-complete-screen

You can also apply using mobile Wi-Tax. You can download and install the Witax app appropriate for each store and use it.

> Download and install Witax from Google Play Store
> Download and install Witax from the App Store

※ Just like on the PC screen, after logging in, find and apply for refund inquiry in the menu.


Offline applications can be applied at the local government in charge of the area where you reside. (Example: City Hall Tax Department)

> View list of local governments nationwide

If you need more detailed inquiries regarding automobile tax (local tax), you can receive friendly advice by calling the government civil service information call center at ☎ 110.

※ If 5 years elapse without receiving a refund, the refund will expire, so you must apply for a refund before the period expires.

※ Also, if the car is scrapped, the owner of the car will be contacted within 2 weeks after the car registration is cancelled, so you can check once more.

※ In case of sale, you can apply after the transfer of the car title is completed. After processing by the tax department staff, the refund will be deposited into your registered account within approximately 7 business days.

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Car tax-refund-method

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