자동차 번호판 교체 Buying a used car, find out how to change license plate number and replacement cost

자동차 번호판 교체If you buy a used car, you can change the license plate. There may be bizarre disadvantages such as used car companies advertising for false sale, or if you don’t like the existing number, or traces of the old car owner. In this case, you can use it by changing the license plate number. Please note that there is a fixed period during which you can change your number. Today, we will look at how to change the license plate number after buying a used car and how to replace it.

Car number replacement method and cost
If you purchased a used car, you can change the license plate number only once within 60 days after vehicle registration. The paperwork is also very simple. All you need is your ID, vehicle registration and existing number plates. If a third party makes changes on your behalf, you will need a power of attorney, agent’s ID card, vehicle registration certificate, and existing license plate.

For reference, if you own two or more cars, you can change the numbers even if both of your car’s ending numbers are even or odd in order to reduce the inconvenience caused by driving restrictions such as the 10-car system and odd-even system.

old license plate
Number change can be done at the district office of the local government, the automobile civil service department of the city hall, or the vehicle registration office. These days, most of them are operated as an integrated window, but if not, you can go to the “Vehicle Registration Number Change” or “Vehicle Change Registration” window. In the case of a license plate change, it is because the information entered in the vehicle registration book is changed.

▼ Fill out the vehicle change registration application form
In order to change the vehicle number, you must fill out the vehicle change registration application. The vehicle change registration certificate fee is 1,300 won. You can submit the application along with the certificate fee.

Application for vehicle change registration

▼ Choose a new license plate number
Now it’s time to choose a new number. 10 numbers are randomly given, and you can choose one you like from among them.
new license plate
▼ Payment of registration and license tax
If you choose a new number, you will have to pay registration and license tax. A new license plate is issued only when the registration and license tax is paid in full. The vehicle registration and license tax is 15,000 won, but it may vary by region. The license plate production cost, auxiliary plate, and detachable costs are separate.

▼ Return of old license plate and issuance of new vehicle registration certificate
Pay up to the registration and license tax, and submit the payment receipt and the old number plate to the window where you applied for the change in vehicle registration. Then, a new vehicle registration certificate is issued with a new number.

▼ Receive and attach new license plate
If you pay the changed vehicle registration certificate and license plate fee to the license plate issuing agency, you will receive a new license plate and seal. The license plate cost is approximately 10,000 won (?). There are differences from region to region. Attach the received license plate to the car and you are done. In the case of attaching and detaching, we receive a fee of 2,000 won. It’s not difficult to put on and take off, so you can do it yourself.
In summary, the cost of changing the license plate number is
Certificate fee 13,000 won + registration license tax 15,000 won + license plate cost 10,000 won + other incidental expenses (card commission, removal cost, etc.) = about 40,000 won.
From November 19th to December 2nd, 2018, we are collecting opinions on the new license plate design. Participate and receive prizes such as mobile gift certificates. It is said that it will change to a new license plate from September 2019, so if you are not in a hurry, you can change it then.

Vehicle registration plate change proposal

And, finally, tell the car insurance company the number you changed. If your car membership is also registered, you just need to tell us your new number. Today, we learned about replacing the vehicle registration plate according to the purchase of a used car.

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