인스타 팔로워 구매 How much does it cost to purchase Instagram followers and likes? Reasons not to buy it

인스타 팔로워 구매If you use Instagram for business purposes, you may want to look into purchasing Instagram followers because the number of followers rarely increases. Since it is the fastest and most certain method, you will probably be worried about whether to buy it or not as performance pressure approaches.

It is said that the price starts from 50 won for Instagram followers, 10 won for post likes, and 3,000 won for Koreans to optimize popular posts. If you want to increase the number of followers by 1,000, 50 won x 1,000 people equals 50,000 won. Increasing 10,000 followers costs 500,000 won, so it seems cheaper than you think. (Prices and conditions may vary by company.)

It was obvious that it would be a household account, so I only mosaiced the company name.

Anyone who has used Instagram will know that ghost accounts, foreign accounts, and Korean accounts are not very important. What does it mean to be a 100% active Korean? There is a high probability that you are someone who likes an Instagram post and receives money for part-time work on a gun-by-gun basis.

If you search something similar to ‘Instagram like side hustle’ on Google, you can easily find Instagram side hustle posts.

Honestly, the people who benefit the most from paying for these things are company employees and part-time workers, and the people who lose the most are the account owners who paid to increase Instagram followers and likes. If you just search, you’ll find companies that will do the work for you, but it’s not like you don’t buy followers and likes because you don’t feel like spending 50,000 or 100,000 won is a waste.

Artificially increasing your account like this will not improve the quality, nor will it make your business successful. If you are unlucky, you may be branded as abusing and your account may be taken away. So, it means that you can’t do it without taking risks.

I will leave behind the articles I wrote previously regarding increasing Instagram followers. This was an Instagram account managed by a company I briefly worked for before, and it was a place where followers were artificially purchased through a company like the one above. I’ve included an example so you can check what happens.

Please do not use programs or purchases to increase Instagram followers.
I think a sensitive indicator on Instagram is followers. This number itself can be said to indicate the influence and awareness of the brand/person. Especially for corporate Instagram.

Instead of thinking about purchasing something like this, it is better to think about how to upload more interesting and prettier content. In fact, consumers aren’t stupid either, so they don’t stop following an Instagram account because they like it but the number of followers is low.

Since I am also a consumer, I follow dozens to hundreds of small accounts. Wouldn’t it be true marketing and skill to just make that brand and that account like it? On social media such as Instagram, it is important to steadily create ‘true fans’ even if it is slow.

hello. I am a surplus citizen whose main job is online marketing.
It may not be helpful, but I would like to explain various facts.
thank you

thank you
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