음주운전 신고 포상금 Reward for reporting drunk driving (reward system) and how to apply

음주운전 신고 포상금Reward for reporting drunk driving and how to apply

In addition to reporting drunk driving, if a drunk driving vehicle causes a traffic accident and flees, the reporter who helps apprehend the driver may receive a ‘hit and run reporting reward’ depending on the degree of damage to the victim.

If you report drunk driving, fail to take action on a traffic accident, or report a hit-and-run, the payment of a reward will be determined through deliberation by the ‘Reward Deliberation Committee.’

If you are caught driving after drinking and report it to the police, the reporter will receive appropriate compensation based on the results of the drunk driver’s actions. The reward ranges from 30,000 won to 300,000 won, and the amount of the reward is determined depending on the details of the report, its specificity, and the circumstances of the apprehension of the criminal.

If you provide specific information such as the vehicle number or type, such as following the vehicle or providing the exact location so that the police can easily apprehend a drunk driving vehicle, you will receive a large reward due to your high contribution.

The key regulations regarding rewards for reporting drunk driving are that rewards can be paid when a fine ranges from a fine of 500,000 won or less to a prison sentence of 10 years or more.

● Crimes with a fine of 500,000 won or less

● Imprisonment or imprisonment for less than one year
● Suspension of qualifications for more than 10 years
● Crimes exceeding a fine of 500,000 won

● Imprisonment or imprisonment for less than 10 years

● Death penalty
● Life imprisonment or life imprisonment
● Imprisonment or imprisonment for more than 10 years

Anyone who contributes to the arrest of a drunk driver by reporting drunk driving must apply for a reward.

There are two ways to apply for a reward: the reporter can apply for the reward directly, or the reporter can request it from the reward payment deliberation committee at the relevant police station.

If the person reporting drunk driving directly applies for the reward, fill out the reward payment application form and submit the 112 report statement, copy of bankbook, and copy of ID to the traffic investigation section of the local police station where the report was made.

① Application for reward payment
② 112 report statement (to confirm identity report)
③ Copy of bankbook
④ Copy of ID card

If a drunk driver runs away after causing a traffic accident and is apprehended after reporting it, a Bangsony reporting reward will be paid based on the victim’s injuries and contribution to the arrest.

If the reporter provides specific information such as the location of the drunk vehicle, driver’s personal information, license plate number, vehicle type, and color, the reporter will be recognized for his or her contribution to apprehending the hit-and-run driver and will receive a large reward amount.

If the victim dies, the reporter will receive a reward of 10 million won,
If the victim’s injury is grade 1, the reporter will receive a reward of 800,000 won,
If the victim’s injury is level 2 to 5, the reporter will receive a reward of 700,000 won,
If the victim’s injury is level 6 or 7, the reporter will receive a reward of 600,000 won,
If the victim’s injury is level 8 to 14, the reporter can receive a reward of 500,000 won.

You can also apply for a reward for reporting a hit-and-run at your local police station. Once you apply, the Reward Review Committee will deliberate and decide whether or not to pay the reward.

The decision is made based on the contribution to the arrest, the opinions of the National Police Agency, and the extent of the victim’s injuries.

Even if the injury is minor, if you play a decisive role in apprehending the getaway vehicle, you can receive a large reward regardless of the victim’s injury level.

Drunk driving is more dangerous than drowsy driving. Of course, you shouldn’t handle the steering wheel after drinking, but since I only drank a little, there is a widespread perception that short distances are okay. In fact, if you look at the pleas of people who are caught in the crackdown, they say, ‘I only drove a few meters. There are many people who complain that it is unfair, such as ‘I parked because the assistant manager parked far away.’

In particular, we must be careful because with the revision of the law, drunk driving will be punished unconditionally from 0.03% (about 1 glass of soju).

Even if you drink a small amount of alcohol, alcohol acts on the central nervous system and reduces reaction speed, reduces judgment ability, impulsive driving, reckless driving, drowsy driving, etc., so the risk of an accident is always present.

In particular, it is known that the risk of traffic accidents doubles at around 0.05%, 6-fold at 0.1% and 25-fold at 0.15%.

Drunk driving is a gamble that risks not only your life but also the life of the other person. Gambling only involves losing money, but drunk driving can get you to a point where you can get it back.

What’s even more terrible is that 44.8% of those caught for drunk driving are people who have been caught for drunk driving in the past. So, drinking and driving is like a drug and you can’t quit it easily, so you shouldn’t do it in the first place.
TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
© Kakao Corp.

음주운전 신고 포상금
