유튜브 채널 차단 방법 How to block a specific channel on YouTube! (PC, Mobile) – Gugu’s News Blog

유튜브 채널 차단 방법Do you watch YouTube a lot? It is said that the most used smartphone app by Koreans is YouTube.
Even if it’s YouTube, there won’t be only videos you want to see.

In this article, we will introduce how to block certain YouTube channels that you don’t want to look like.
I will explain by dividing it into a computer and a smartphone.

So, let’s take a look at how to block a specific channel on YouTube with a computer below.

If you block a specific YouTube channel or user, all comments from that account will be lost.
Also, if you block a YouTube channel, that channel’s video will not appear in the recommended videos that appear on YouTube’s main homepage by algorithm.

It is not that the video of the channel disappears at all, but it is that you can no longer access it unless you search for it yourself.

Is this enough?

▶ Access the YouTube homepage and the YouTube channel you want to block.
And from the tabs at the top, click on Information.

▶ After clicking the flag-shaped icon on the right side, click Block User.

▶ After running the YouTube app on your smartphone, access the YouTube channel you want to block.
Then click on the 3-dot icon in the upper right corner and tap Block user.

Simple, right?

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유튜브 채널 차단 방법
