When you do not know the convenience store courier tracking number
Search when you do not know the waybill number
Convenience store delivery – waybill number 운송장번호 모를때
In modern society, we have come to an era where couriers are no longer needed.
So, the topic we’re going to talk about today is related to convenience store delivery. Let’s see how to deal with it when you don’t know the waybill number. Just as each person is given a resident registration number, parcels are also given a tracking number. The waybill number, which consists of 12 numbers, is attached to the courier by the company that sends the courier at the same time as the product is ordered. 비지니스헬퍼
Then, what happens when you don’t know these waybill numbers? You need to know the waybill number so you can find the package at the convenience store and check where the package is currently located.
These days, there is also a way to receive courier safely using a safety number, so please refer to it.
What if I don’t know the convenience store courier invoice number?
convenience store invoice number
Second-hand sales are popular these days. Second-hand transactions can be made through various platforms such as Carrot Market or Lightning Market. If you purchase a product through second-hand transaction and the seller throws it away without knowing the waybill number, is it impossible to track the courier in this case? ?
In order to know where the courier is located, you will need the waybill number, that is, the invoice number. You have to enter this invoice number, but you can check whether the courier has started shipping or is preparing.
In other words, courier inquiry is impossible in other ways, so if there is no invoice number, you have no choice but to trust the seller and wait.
Then, if the sender does not know the tracking number, how should I find the convenience store courier service?
Find a convenience store courier without a waybill number
There are two ways to find a convenience store courier without a waybill number.
1. How to reconfirm the waybill number by visiting the convenience store where the sender received it
2. How to access the homepage of the courier company using the convenience store and access customer information
Method 2 has the disadvantage that it can be viewed only when it is registered electronically.
If so, let’s look at how to search when you don’t know the convenience store courier tracking number.
How to search when you do not know the waybill number
1. Search by phone number
Please note that orders placed before 5pm on weekdays can be shipped the same day by courier.
Please note that this method is only available for postal delivery.
If you access the homepage of the post office, you can inquire about the parcel by phone number, not the waybill number, on the delivery inquiry screen at the right end of the main homepage.
Phone Number Lookup
In addition to this, there is an application called Courier Finder, which also allows you to find out the location of the courier when you do not know the waybill number.
Download the Android Courier Finder
Download iPhone courier finder
2. Delivery Keeper
Through the delivery tracking service application, Delivery Keeper, you can track the parcel without a waybill number. There is also a courier finder, but if you can’t find it in the courier founder, we recommend using the delivery keeper.
Like Courier Founder, Delivery Keeper supports both Android and iPhone, and delivery can be tracked through a phone number.
One difference is that in addition to the phone number, information such as text message or KakaoTalk is imported and registered.
Download Android Delivery Keeper
Download iPhone Delivery Keeper
Since it is based on the phone number, of course you don’t have to know the waybill number, and the delivery keeper notification is divided into 5 steps.
When a parcel arrives in our neighborhood, when a delivery starts, or when a delivery is completed, notifications arrive whenever it is important.
Convenience store invoice inquiry
3. Using Logi’s site
The last method to introduce is to use the Logiaira site.
Search without waybill number (Logi.com)
Please access the homepage and proceed with membership registration. Please refer to the link above to access the ROGI website.
Please proceed with membership registration (you can sign up very easily with mobile phone authentication) and log in from the main page of the homepage.
You can use the phone number you used to register as a member to find out where your courier is currently located. (shipping information)
It is a story that even if you do not have a waybill number, you can inquire about the courier service with just a phone number and a courier company.
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So far, we’ve looked at how to deal with convenience store courier tracking numbers when you don’t know them, and how to look up parcels without an invoice number. You can search for courier through various methods without a waybill number, so don’t be too upset, and in case of convenience store courier, it may be different from the above method.