우리은행 이체한도 Don’t be embarrassed by Woori Bank’s transfer limit! FAQ Summary

Is it possible to exceed the Woori Bank transfer limit of 100 million won?
1. Basic information on Woori Bank transfer limit

Definition: Maximum amount that can be transferred per day or at one time
Default limits:
Unspecified: 10 million won per day, 5 million won per time 우리은행 이체한도
The amount can be increased depending on the security level (up to 500 million won when using OTP)
Transfers of 100 million won or more are possible: Available when certain conditions are met
2. Conditions for transferring more than 100 million won 이베이스매뉴얼

Customer credit and transaction history: Excellent credit and active transaction history required.

우리은행 이체한도
Submit evidence of large-value transactions: Documents proving the purpose of the transaction, such as a sales contract or down payment receipt, are required.
Submit proof of income: Proof of income ability, such as proof of employment, proof of income amount, etc. required.
Increase security level: Transfer up to 500 million won using OTP
Payment of transfer fees: Additional fees apply when transferring more than 100 million won
3. How to transfer more than 100 million won

Internet Banking: After logging in, select “Transfer/Payment” > “Large Amount Transfer”
Mobile app: After logging in, select “Balance/Transaction” > “Transfer” > “Large Amount Transfer”
Phone: Contact Woori Bank Customer Center (1588-2000) and apply for large amount transfer
Branch visit: Apply for a large amount transfer to an employee
4. Precautions when transferring more than 100 million won

Submission of proof of transaction purpose required: Suspicious transactions may be rejected
Large transfer fees: Fees vary depending on the transfer amount and method
Transaction processing time: Requires screening and verification process
Be security conscious: transfer money in a secure environment to avoid fraud.
5. Additional information

Woori Bank transfer limit information:
Woori Bank Customer Center:
6. FAQ regarding transfers of 100 million won or more

Q. Is it possible to transfer more than 100 million won at any time?

A. Determine whether it is possible by comprehensively judging the customer’s credit and transaction history, etc.

Q. What documents do I need to submit?

A. Proof of large-amount transactions, proof of income, etc. are required.

Q. How much is the transfer fee?

A. Varies depending on transfer amount and method

Q. How long does it take to process a transaction?

A. Screening and confirmation process required, takes up to 3 business days

Q. What should I be careful about when transferring large amounts?

A. Be careful when using suspicious sites and prevent fraud.

7. How to contact Woori Bank Customer Center

phone call:
Naver Band:
8. Other considerations

Transfers of 100 million won or more are possible when certain conditions are met.
When applying, check required documents, fees, processing period, etc.
Beware of transfers and personal information leaks in a safe environment