올리브영 영업시간 및 매장찾기 총정리 Olive Young business hours and store locator

You can check store business hours by visiting Olive Young’s online mall, a drugstore specializing in cosmetics. There are small menus at the top right. Click ‘Store Information’ to check business hours and phone numbers for each Olive Young store.

올리브영 영업시간

올리브영 영업시간

– Olive Young store information
Olive Young store information
You can check the opening and closing times through the Olive Young store information.


If you look on the left, there is a store search box. You can check information about the relevant Olive Young store by entering the store name or address here. There are Seocho-daero branch and Gyodae branch.


– Olive Young business hours and store information
Gangnam Jungang Branch
This is the address and phone number of Olive Young Gangnam Central Branch. You can check whether it is currently open or closed. You can view business hours by clicking the View Details button.




Store information
Among the many Olive Young stores, I checked the store information for the Gangnam Jungang branch. The address is 372 Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul. The phone number is 02-552-5025. Business hours are 08:00 to 22:30 on weekdays, 08:00 to 22:30 on Saturdays, 11:00 to 22:30 on Sundays, and 11:00 to 22:30 on public holidays.

Store information
You can check business hours, directions, handling categories, etc. through the Olive Young store information. You can check out products such as skin care, makeup, body care, hair care, health products, and hygiene products. You can check whether services such as gift wrapping, tax refund, gift card, gift certificate sales, smart return, pickup, and easy payment are provided.


best product
In the Best Products menu, you can check the store’s best products by age and gender, such as women in their 20s, men in their 30s, and women in their 40s. You can also check by product type, including skin care, mask, cleansing, makeup, body care, nail, perfume, and diffuser.