예스24 크레마클럽 해지 [Review] Review of Yes24 Book Club / E-book subscription service / Book recommendation

Hello everyone


Do you know the book ‘Live Simple’ by Dominique Loro?예스24 크레마클럽 해지

This is a book that shows the essence of ‘minimalism’ that continues even now.

예스24 크레마클럽 해지

I read this Simple Lives series in the past and was impressed.

Even if you can’t be a minimalist

I wondered if I could become a semi-minimalist.

I started throwing away a lot of clothes and things I had.


Actually, throwing away is not minimalism.

First of all, reduce the things you own to some extent.

I want to be a little free




I also reduced a certain amount of books that I had for a long time (which was a lot compared to living alone).

I’m maintaining it enough to fit only on the bookshelf I have now.


If you have a lot of books you want to read, put off purchasing the physical product and rummage through e-books.

There was a time when I didn’t have many options.


Previously, not so many books were published as e-books, so there were few options.

It was full of low-quality free books or experience books,


As time passed, many companies started e-book subscription services.

New books and books by famous authors are also being published as e-books.


Among them, the service I use is the book club of YES24.

It’s not that I don’t have a book to read anymore, but I can’t read it because I don’t have the time to spare my mind.


Yes24 Book Club Landing Site

The payment plan has been added with the flo music service than before.

I’m always on the Standard 55 plan…

Even with the 55 rate plan, there are a lot of books to read, so I didn’t buy it well.


(One free tip! You can use up to 2 months as a benefit when you sign up for Smile Club)


i think

E-book subscription service including book club

The first advantage is that you can synchronize everything from mobile-tablet-Crema (ebook reader)-desktop.


The book I read on my mobile on my commute

You can also read on your tablet before going to bed.


Use the reader program on the desktop to download the data necessary for company or work.

It is easy to check and use right away.


When you need it, you can download it and read it anywhere as long as you have an internet connection.


The second advantage is

It’s easy to manage because there’s no real thing.

There is no trouble or hassle when moving or dealing with it.

There are more new books than I thought, and there are many books that are becoming a hot topic.

Third, you can use ttf voice

Audiobooks are also a great service for busy people who don’t have time to read books.

Not all books are available as audiobooks.


It’s a bit robotic, but hehe

You can use it as an audio book simply by using the voice function.

(I use this function when I can’t sleep well, but I can sleep well if I listen to it…)

It can be used as an audio book with a robot beauty by pressing the lower voice button
The fourth is the highlight and bookmark functions.

You can easily record and edit the parts you are impressed with or want to take notes.


Fifth is the price.

You can subscribe to and read many books for half the price of a book.

Even if you read only one book, you can recover the amount of the 55 rate plan.



Although these advantages

If you can’t read a book because you don’t have the will to read

I feel like I’m wasting money because I can’t use the service properly.


I think it would be better for those who want to read at least one book to apply and receive the service.


And since not all new books are serviced,

Those who only read novels

It may be a more efficient way to manage by buying real books and selling them as used books.


Search for the book you want in the book club.

If you don’t have it, I think it’s a wise purchase to buy only the books you want separately.


And I don’t have automatic payments.

I paid by debit card,

If payment is not made on the automatic payment date, the service is terminated.

It was also convenient to be able to resubscribe and receive the service later when needed.



If I recommend a book I enjoyed reading at the book club,


Lol lol It wasn’t a literary book.


Housewife’s Friend published a series of articles on Japanese minimalism, interior, cleaning, storage, housework, etc.

I translated and published Mookji.


To the extent that I am running a separate social media account for this kind of living.

I really like this part

I bought a few books separately, but it’s quite fun to read them as an e-book.

Editing is not as neat as a published book, but you can capture a picture right away and use it personally.


If you read this mook when your mind is dizzy

After reading, I need to clean something. I want to clean the environment.

I hear a change of mood.

You can also get ideas for household chores.



Have a nice day everyone!