여성유망자격증 Recommendation for promising qualifications for women in their 50s

여성유망자격증The biggest concern of women in their 50s is what kind of work to do in the future and what qualifications to get.
As the 100-year-old era approaches, it is the age at which people retired in the past, but now it is an era in which they must continue to have a job.
After raising the children and retiring, I haven’t worked for a while and rested,
At some point, you will feel the need to work.
So, I’ve gathered promising jobs for women in their 50s and information on qualifications that can be helpful in the future.

1. Social worker
I think it is the certification that most women in their 50s choose.
Continuing education centers are often centered on social workers.
As the population ages, national investment in social welfare is increasing.
We also need a lot of manpower to do this.
It is also quite easy to obtain through the credit bank system.

The salary itself is not high, but jobs are constantly increasing, so it helps to earn a steady income.
In addition, as the elderly population is increasing these days,
It will be more helpful if you acquire a nursing care worker, laughter therapist, silver recreation instructor license, etc. together.

2. Organized storage consultant
Organizing is the most popular thing these days when minimalism is becoming a trend.
There is some change from the era of purchasing to the era of tidying up.
Women in their 50s are also really strong at tidying up.
And if organizing things fits your hobby, this is a job worth considering.
When moving, they serve as tidying up consultants, and sometimes give tips and tricks on tidying up in everyday life.
It is recommended because it is a job that can be advanced enough as a freelancer if experience is accumulated.
However, it is more recommended for those who have a hobby of organizing storage and have their own know-how. For other recommended jobs, see below.

3. After-school teacher certification
As there are many working couples and the need for child welfare is increasing, after-school activities are increasing.
The advantage of the after-school teacher certification is that it is possible to teach various fields such as music, cooking, and baduk.
In particular, they say that one of the greatest happiness for women in their 50s is taking care of children.
You can also teach children and get vitality in life.
You don’t have much time to work a day, and you can see it as a good qualification with freedom of choice.

4. Calligraphy license
These days, drawing well and writing well is a significant help.
It is possible to work as an instructor after school, and if you build up your skills, you can earn income by going to events or events.
I also had an event before and invited two calligraphy experts to give special memories to the participants.

He worked for about 6 hours a day and earned more than 200,000 won.
It is a job recommended for women in their 50s who constantly want to work, and the pleasure of creation is helpful for brain health.

5. Couple Psychological Counselor
It is a promising occupation for women in their 50s that is emerging.
“When COVID-19 is over, divorce courts will be the busiest.” Family discord is increasing to the extent that there is even a joke that
In addition, Korea has the disgrace of being the world’s No. 1 divorce rate among OECD countries.
It’s bad, but on the contrary, the market demand for marital counselors is high.
It is not yet a concept established in Korea,
There are many cases where divorce is chosen before counseling, but awareness is expanding more and more.

We learned about promising occupations for women in their 50s and promising qualifications for women in their 50s.
Don’t be afraid to try something new and try it.
You’ll be able to feel the vitality and excitement you’ve forgotten just by trying it out.
A woman in her 50s, Kazuah!

