알리익스프레스 배송 AliExpress, which is targeting Korea with ‘5-day delivery’, explodes with consumer anger due to delivery delays – Newspaper created by consumers

알리익스프레스 배송Chinese online direct purchase platform AliExpress, which has recently announced large-scale investment in Korea and is making efforts to target the Korean market, is receiving complaints from consumers due to delivery delays.

AliExpress actively promotes its ‘5-day delivery’ service by using famous celebrities as models, and has also been operating a Korea-only customer center since last year. However, deliveries are often stopped during customs clearance procedures, and even phone calls are not properly connected. This is not the case.

At the Consumer Complaint Center (www.goso.co.kr), it is not difficult to find complaints about delays in delivery of products ordered from AliExpress. In most cases, delivery is stopped during customs clearance procedures, and even if you call the customer service center in charge of logistics, you cannot be connected, making consumers frustrated.

Consumers agree that the answers from the KakaoTalk consultation center are also AI answers, so their questions are not resolved at all.

AliExpress has recently been marketing ‘5-day free shipping’ products in Korea by offering coupon compensation of 1 to 3 dollars if they are not delivered within 5 days. However, there are consumer complaints that products delivered within 5 days are also delayed.

▲There are numerous posts in the community about delays in customs clearance and loss of contact with customer service by AliExpress’ logistics company.

In the Internet community, there have been repeated criticisms about delays in customs clearance and loss of contact with customer service by the logistics company responsible for Ali Express’ logistics.

Numerous related articles are being posted on Naver cafes, blogs, etc., ranging from ‘Reasons for severe delays in customs clearance by AliExpress logistics companies’ to ‘What to do when deliveries are delayed by AliExpress logistics companies’.

AliExpress’s position is that they do not know the exact reason why delivery is stopped during customs clearance. He explained that as the number of orders has recently increased, the customs office has been expanded from the existing Incheon customs office to Pyeongtaek to dualize the work.

A Hwasa official said, “Most of the 5-day free shipping products are already in the country, so it appears that complaints are coming from other products,” and added, “We are continuously improving the logistics experience to improve the consumer experience. “We will continue to work closely with Korean customs to quickly respond to the current logistics situation,” he said.

Meanwhile, AliExpress’s domestic direct purchase market share is about 8%, which is so influential that it remains at a similar level to Coupang. Recently, the company has been making aggressive investments in the domestic market, including significantly expanding Korea-only logistics centers located in Shandong Province, China, and announcing an investment of 100 billion won in logistics and marketing.

[Newspaper created by consumers = Reporter Eunseo Lee]

Copyright © Consumer-produced newspaper. Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited.

Reporter Lee Eun-seo
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