알뜰교통카드 신청Go to mobile branch
Detailed standards can be found on the Economical Transportation Card website (www.alcard.kr).
When automatically transferring mobile communication charges to the Economical Transportation S20 check card, cashback of 3,000 won per month for non-transportation cards and 2,000 won per month for transportation cards is provided. Discounts are applied if the approved amount is more than 50,000 won per transaction.
However, payment is only possible by visiting the academy.
Among the S20 check services for economical transportation, convenience store/bookstore/academy/TOEIC/communication/restaurant (coffee, family restaurant) cashback service is provided within the monthly integrated cashback limit provided according to the previous month’s usage performance, and use may be restricted depending on performance. there is.
Online movie discount services are provided when making reservations through the official website and APP.
Theme Park/Movie Information
Separate operation from integrated cashback limit
• Method of notification: written delivery, mail or e-mail, telephone or fax, mobile phone message, or equivalent electronic communication.
Compliance monitoring review completed No. 20210414-Dpi-001 (2021.04.14)