신한카드 해지 How to cancel Shinhan Card?

Last month, I did a free shopping of about 100,000 won at GS fresh mall using a Shinhan event card.
A truly sweet event

The contents of the event card are up to 50,000 won cashback when using the GS Prime Shinhan Card in GS Retail stores.
(GS SHOP, THE POP App (including GS25doq, GS Supermarket App), GS25, GS THE FRESH (GS Supermarket), lalavla, Market For, GS Fresh MAll, Dali Live, About Pet, etc.)

And a month later, yesterday, I received a cashback of 50,000 won as GS points.
Points can be used anywhere in the GS series, so I thought about whether to refuel or go shopping, but I was always hungry for cash, so I looked for a way to turn it into cash.

First things first!! 신한카드 해지
mobile pop app

신한카드 해지

1. Click Recharge Balance on the main screen
2. Click GS&POINT among charging methods 이베이스매뉴얼
3. Click as many points as you want to cash out

I want to cash out all the points, so I entered 50,000 won. However, the fee is 2,500 won each.. It is too expensive, but I decided to cash it out and withdraw it to use real money!!
Enter the recharge amount and enter the GS point password.

I charged only 1,000 won to test it first. 50 won fee for charging 1,000 won! expensive..
4. Return to the main screen and click Finance/Remittance at the bottom
5. Click Send Money
6. Fill in all blanks such as the sender and account number
7. Oh! The minimum remittance amount is Rs. Return to the above procedure again, enter the balance charge of 50,000 won or more and send money.
(Remittance service is available from 09:00 to 17:00. Weekends and holidays excluded)


The method is pretty simple.

Well, wait here!!
When recharging the above balance, I had to enter the recharge amount and then the password, but I did not know the password. Come to think of it, I had never registered a password… I tried the password I remembered a few times, fearing that it would be blocked, so I contacted the customer center and found that I had not registered a Mobile Pop card, so I had to register the card first and then reset the password.
nothing is easy…

GS Caltex Customer Center to reset B.B.
GS25 Customer Center for Pop Card registration

It was inconvenient to connect to the customer center twice, but if you, like me, need to register your POP card and reset your password, just call the GS25 customer center and they will do both.

and!! To register for POPCARD, you need to know your card number.

If you click GS&POINT on the main screen, you will see your card and you can register by giving the number at the bottom of the barcode.
(I was lost for a while because I didn’t know this again…)

In short
It is easy to convert to GS points using the mobile pop app, charge the balance, and then transfer money to cash.

If you don’t know, you’ll come back wandering like me… Now that you know, next time, you can finish it off with a shortcut.
And if it has even been converted into cash, it is up to you to decide whether to keep or use the GS Prime Shinhan Card, and I decided to cancel it because I currently have many cards. Thank you it was well used.

>> How to cancel Shinhan Card (Choose 1)

1. Contact customer center to request card cancellation
2. Apply for self-cancellation in the Shinhan Play app

1. Click the triple bar on the main screen
2. Scroll down and click Card Home
3. Click My – Manage My Information
4. Card Cancellation

The cards were hidden in the depths. I’m still looking for it

Today, I studied hard and tried to convert points into cash. In the world of apps that are easy to know but very difficult to know, I have learned one more thing.
And lived frugally.

I hope the above information will be good information for appliners like me. ^^

#GS Prime Shinhan Card #GS Point Cash #How to cancel Shinhan Card #Event Card #Cashback Card #Ancillary Income #0 Won Expenditure #Expensive Defense #Food Expense Defense #App Tech #Point Cash #Saving Life #Frugal Life