삼쩜삼 고객센터 및 전화번호 Samjjeomsam customer center and phone number

We will provide you with detailed information about the Samjjeomsam customer service phone number.

삼쩜삼 고객센터

삼쩜삼 고객센터

Samjjeomsam Customer Center operating hours are 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays. (Please note that lunch time is from 12:30 to 1:30)


Samjeomsam Customer Center Phone Number: 1688-7198


This is a graph showing the trend of registered customers and cumulative refunds after the launch of Samjjeomsam. The Samjjeomsam customer center is also very busy.
Trends of Samjjeomsam subscribers and cumulative refund amount

Samjeomsam Customer Center CALL here with the correct phone number!!

Jarvis & Villains Co., Ltd. provides an AI-based automatic reporting service based on its experience in tax-related services. That is ‘Samjeomsam’.



After launching in May 2020, the number of registered customers increased exponentially from 170,000 to reach 15 million by March 2023. It seems like there are more now.





How to view and apply for Samjjeomsam refund
The Samjjeomsam refund method is simpler than you might think. You can check by linking directly to KakaoTalk.

Please note that there is a separate Samjjeomsam app, but you can view and apply without having to install the app.

First, please add Samjeomsam channel as a friend through the link below.



You can also search for Samjjeomsam in the KakaoTalk friends tab or chat tab and add Samjjeomsam channel as a friend.

If you add Samjeomsam channel as a friend, you will automatically receive a KakaoTalk message.

You can search immediately by simply clicking Find My Refund.


Will you understand tax-related information even if you hear it 10 times? Should I not? You say it.
As a result, there seems to have been a need in the market for someone to do the reporting for them.


However, users are always curious when using the service.
You might want to resolve any questions you have about whether there are any problems using the service.

Please use the Samjeomsam Customer Center through that channel.

If you have difficulty connecting to the Samjeomsam customer service center, you can use the Samjeomsam website chat consultation, email consultation, or FAQ page to resolve the issue.