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A collection of Samsung air conditioner error codes meanings and solutions. This is a collection of information on the meaning of the error code displayed on the air conditioner display or remote control and how to solve it. If it is not listed below, call the Samsung Electronics service center for consultation.
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This is a summary of the Samsung Electronics air conditioner error code meaning and how to deal with it.
For models made after 2012, perform a smart reset using the wireless remote control, then unplug the power cord and plug it back in again. For models older than 2011, unplug the power cord and plug it back in again.
Smart reset is the same action as unplugging and plugging in the power cord.
How to Smart Reset after 20 12
How to reset power before 2011
Go to Samsung Electronics Service Center to see how to do a smart reset
For models after 2012, perform smart reset using the wireless remote control and reinsert the power cord. Reinsert the power cord for models prior to 2011.
Go to Samsung Electronics Service Center to see how to do a smart reset
This indicates that the frost generated from the outdoor unit is being removed during heating operation. Therefore, it is not a malfunction, and cold wind comes out from the thread unit when the heating is running. At this time, frost is formed. In order to remove the frost, the heating is temporarily stopped and the temperature of the thread unit is increased.
This is called defrost operation, and it is an automatic operation. It cannot be started or stopped arbitrarily. Also, note that the frost melts during this process and vapor is generated, but it is not smoke from a fire.
Usually, defrosting takes about 5 to 15 minutes.
probable cause
Solution: Check the outdoor unit power cord connection
1. If the outdoor unit power cord is not connected, plug in the outdoor unit cord.
2. When the breaker in the toad house air conditioner connected to the outlet of the outdoor unit goes down, let the electricity come in to the outlet.
The thumb-thick black wire is the outdoor unit power cable. Please make sure it is plugged into an outlet. If it is separately plugged into the outdoor unit, unplug it and connect a fan or other electrical appliance to see if the power is on. In the case of an apartment, it may be because the breaker for the air conditioner went down in the toad house.
3. If the capacity is insufficient due to the use of a multi-tap, there is also a method to use a multi-tap that is about the thickness of the outdoor fan cable.
When using a multi-tap, it may be turned off due to insufficient capacity due to the thin multi-tab. Please plug directly into an outlet. If it is not possible environmentally, in some cases, a multi-tap with the same thickness as the outdoor unit power cable (2.5 ㎟) may be used, but it is correct to plug it directly into an outlet if possible. (Most of the multi-tap used at home has a thin thickness (1.0~1.5 ㎟), so it is turned off due to insufficient capacity)
4. In the case of a new building, if standby power is set at the standby power outlet, turn off standby power.
In the case of newly built apartments, standby power outlets are sometimes used to save power. At this time, if standby power is set, turn it off to supply normal power to the outdoor unit.
※ If the power is not supplied to the outdoor unit, normal operation is not possible. E101 (C101) check mark occurs.
probable cause
The error message below may be resolved with the reset function on the air conditioner remote control.
– E462 (C462): It may occur when the outdoor unit full current protection control is performed.
– E468 (C468): It may be necessary to check the compressor current sensor.
– E469 (C469): It may be necessary to check the outdoor unit PCB voltage sensor.
Check Smart Reset: Instantaneous noise may cause malfunction. Try doing a reset.
-Check for outdoor unit obstructions: The outdoor unit inspection required message is displayed when the outdoor unit does not emit heat. Open the air outlet of the outdoor fan room or remove the surrounding obstacles. This is a sign that may appear if the temperature in the outdoor unit room is high.
– In case of extreme heat: It may be the case that heat dissipation from the outdoor unit is difficult due to the high external temperature due to the heat wave. You can spray water on the sunshade or heat exchanger to cool down the outdoor unit.
– Try a smart reset.
probable cause
This error is displayed when insufficient refrigerant is detected during smart installation.
probable cause
Front panel is not working or panel position detection sensor error.
– E101/E201/C101/C201: Communication error
– E161/C161: mixed operation error
– E163/C163: Option setting error
– E425/C425 : reverse phase error
– E440/C440: Prohibition of starting over 30 ℃ outside heating
– E441/C441: Cooling Outdoor -5 ℃ or less start-up prohibited
– E551/C551 : During defrost operation
More Samsung Electronics air conditioner error codes can be found on the Samsung Electronics Service Center website.
Last Updated on 2023-08-04 by Information Master