버거킹 쿠폰 사용법 Using a Burger King Coupon (Mobile)

Do you like Burger King? Burger King is my favorite burger. French fries are my favorite McDonald’s. In this article, we will introduce you to how to buy and eat at a discount with a Burger King coupon. In the meantime, I thought of Burger King coupons only with paper coupons that are handed out during events at stores, but it turns out that you can use various coupons simply by using the app. 버거킹 쿠폰 사용법

버거킹 쿠폰 사용법

Coupon Type: Mobile App Coupon

Where to use the coupon: Store, King Order, Delivery 비지니스헬퍼


King order here is a way to order in advance and pick it up. It’s like a take-out order or a delivery order. People like me who are in the paper coupon generation… Let’s use the app smartly now.



1. Install the Burger King app
Access the Play Store on Android and the App Store on iPhone and search for Burger King.


Install this app, which at first glance looks like an official app. After installing and running it, the main screen will appear as shown below. After skipping a few notices and instructions.


2. Burger King Coupons
You are now ready to use your coupon.


Please click the coupon in the bottom menu. Coupons are divided into stores, king order, and delivery. There are other useful menu items too, but this time we’re going to look at coupons.




17 store coupons, 5 king order coupons, and 0 delivery coupons are provided. If you are going to order with a king order and visit and take it home, it would be better to visit the store from the beginning and use various store coupons. Only 1 coupon per person can be used anyway, but there is a wide range of choices for stores.


Whopper Junior single item can be purchased for only 2,000 won. In-store coupons and King order coupons are the same price. King Order only has a small number of them. It’s unfortunate that there are no coupons for delivery, but the reality is that most hamburger brands other than Burger King are excluded from coupon discounts for delivery. It’s not just Burger King’s fault, so there’s no need to be angry.


3. Using Burger King Coupons
Using the coupon is simple. Let’s take an example for a store. Browse through the list and click on the coupon you want. I tried Whopper Junior. Then, as shown below, the barcode and expiration date appear, and you can use it once within the expiration date. Please note that duplicate use is not allowed, and a coupon that has been used once cannot be used twice. However, since it is updated every day, you will not have to worry about running out of coupons unless you eat hamburgers every day.




4. Notice
Of course, it can be used in stores, and it can be used as a drive-thru. I know it’s possible because I’ve tried it. Please note that the operating hours are also set from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. Also, it is said that it can only be used at the event store, but the store where the coupon cannot be used is as follows.


In fact, I thought there would be a few excluded stores, but when I counted them, Burger King coupons cannot be used at about 60 branches nationwide. I’ll have to choose well. Learn more about using Burger King coupons here. Eating hamburgers often is not good for your health, but it’s still better than ramen… This was a useful tip for me, who often eats burgers for lunch, and I hope it helps others.