메트라이프 고객센터 및 전화번호 MetLife Customer Center and Phone Numbers

We will inform you of the MatLife Customer Center phone number and operating hours. MatLife Customer Service Center promptly handles all related tasks, including consultations on various insurance-related matters, cancellations, loans, guidance and acceptance of congratulatory money, address changes, transfer account changes, revival, reissue of securities, inquiry of deposit history, and acceptance of insurance payment cases. Go to MatLife Insurance Contract Loan

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Table of Contents

MatLife Customer Center Representative Phone Number
MatLife Call Center Operating Hours
Chat Consultation
Visible ARS
ARS Usage Guide
ARS Password Application Method
Disabled Person Service
Postal and Fax Reception
MatLife Insurance Claim Method
Customer Complaint Processing Period
Frequently Asked Questions
Go to Insurance Policy Loan Interest Rate and Limit Comparison
MatLife Customer Center Representative Phone Number
Domestic: 1588-9600
Overseas: 82-2-2017-6700

MatLife Call Center Operating Hours
Customer Consultation/Payment/Deposit/Change Services: Weekdays: 09:00 ~ 18:00 (Closed on Saturdays)

Contract-Related Inquiries: Weekdays: 08:00 ~ 22:00, Saturdays: 08:00 ~ 18:00
Payment/Deposit Services: Weekdays: 08:00 ~ 22:00 (closed on Saturdays)
※ Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Chat consultation
This is MetLife chat consultation service. You can receive real-time consultation through 1:1 text chat with a counselor. However, if you are not the person in question or access ‘General Inquiry’, consultation may be limited. If you access ‘My Contract Inquiry’, you can use it after logging in.
Chat consultation is only for guidance and cannot process business.

Go to MetLife chat consultation

Chat consultation usage guide
1. Select the consultation item below > Click [Request consultation]
2. Check the consent to collection, use, and provision of personal information > Apply for consultation

Visible ARS
If you call the call center’s main number (1588-9600), the ARS voice guidance menu will be displayed on your smartphone screen, allowing you to use the ARS service easily and conveniently while looking directly at it.

ARS usage guide
-If you register your ARS password and account, you can use various ARS services more quickly, and in the case of payment business, you can process business safely through a security card.

– The ARS service menu may change on certain days.
– When using ARS, city rates are charged, and when using a mobile phone, individual usage fees vary.

How to apply for an ARS password
You can register your ARS password and account number through the ARS simple service after authenticating yourself with your mobile phone. If mobile phone authentication is not possible, you can visit a nearby branch or customer plaza to register by bringing your resident registration card and bankbook.

Disabled Service
Exclusive Number: 02-2017-8500
FAX: 02-2015-4901
E-mail: callcenter@metlife.co.kr

Go to Online General Counseling

Go to Online Inconvenience and Improvement Request

Go to Chat Counseling

Reception by Mail and Fax
You can download and fill out the civil complaint form, then submit it by mail or fax along with the required documents. Address: [06211] 316 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, MetLife Consumer Support Team (Yeoksam 2-dong, MetLife Tower)
Fax Number: 02-3469-9555

Go to MetLife Complaints Application Form

MetLife Insurance Claim Method
① MetLifeOne: MetLife Cyber, Mobile Window
(When using a PC) Access https://cyber.metlife.co.kr> The beneficiary (the person receiving the insurance money) logs in and submits the insurance money

(When using a mobile phone) Download MetLife One
② Mobile URL: Request to our call center (1588-9600) or a branch, receive a unique URL, and then register the insurance money documents
③ FSR On-site Application: Take a photo of the documents with a Tablet PC through the designer in charge and submit them on-site

④ External Platform: Install the ‘God of Claims’ mobile application and submit the insurance money to MetLife
⑤ Visit a branch : Check the nearest branch through MetLife One or our call center (1588-9600) and then visit the branch
⑥ Mail application: Mail (registered mail) to MetLife Headquarters Claim Service Team
* Where to send: MetLife Life Claim Service Team, 316 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
⑦ Fax application: Request insurance payment through our call center (1588-9600) or the unique fax number provided by the branch

Customer complaint processing period
According to Article 29 of the Financial Consumer Protection and Civil Complaint Processing Guidelines, the customer complaint processing period is within 14 business days from the date of customer complaint receipt.

Frequently Asked Questions

Search MetLife FAQ

Why did the renewal insurance premium increase so much?

The renewal insurance premium is recalculated based on the insurance age and insurance rate at the time of renewal (Article 6, Paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Main Contract Terms and Conditions), and the main reasons for the premium increase upon renewal are as follows.

1. Increase in insurance age
As age increases, the probability of death, illness, and accidents increases, so insurance premiums increase in proportion to age.

2. Expansion of coverage
When first signing up, exemptions and reductions are applied, but when renewing, exemptions and reductions are not applied, so the coverage is relatively expanded.

3. Change in insurance premium base rate
The insurance premium base rate of a renewal contract may change from the insurance premium base rate of the initial contract. The insurance premium base rate refers to the risk rate, business rate, and applicable interest rate required to calculate insurance premiums.

Claim insurance using a mobile phone

You can easily claim insurance using a mobile phone using the following path. ① Download MetLife One > Beneficiary (the person receiving the insurance money) logs in > Claim insurance
② Call center (1588-9600) or branch request mobile URL for insurance money document registration > Register insurance money claim documents
③ Install external platform ‘Claim God’ and sign up > Claim insurance without documents or take a photo
④ Claim hospital expenses linked to KAKAO PAY, TOSS > Beneficiary (the person receiving the insurance money) logs in and claims

Is there a way to send insurance money documents by email?

Metlife operates various insurance money receipt channels, but please understand that insurance money receipt via email is currently not possible.

What responsibility does a driver who causes a traffic accident have?

If a traffic accident occurs due to the driver’s fault while driving, the driver is usually punished as well as receiving compensation for the damage. In other words, the driver who caused the accident is liable for civil, criminal, and administrative liability.

Do I have to report a traffic accident to the police?

Article 50, Paragraph 2 of the current Road Traffic Act stipulates that drivers who cause damage to others (regardless of whether a person is injured or a vehicle or object is damaged) must report to the police station. In exceptional cases where no one is injured and only a vehicle or object is damaged, and necessary measures are taken to prevent danger on the road and ensure smooth communication, it is stipulated that a report need not be made to the police station. However, it is recommended to report to the police station as much as possible, as there may be cases where treatment is requested later or a hit-and-run is reported.

I caused an accident, but the victim said he was fine and left. If the victim says he is sick later, can I file an insurance claim at that time and still receive insurance benefits?

Even if you say you are fine at the time of the accident but later say you are sick, you can file an insurance claim if you immediately notify the insurance company. However, it must be objectively proven that the victim’s medical condition has a significant causal relationship with the traffic accident.

I signed up for insurance online, but is there no insurance planner in charge?

In the case of online insurance, it is a product that allows you to sign up for a low-cost insurance premium without having to designate a responsible designer. If you have any inquiries during or after signing the contract, please contact the MetLife Life Insurance Call Center at 1588-9600 and the department in charge will provide you with assistance as quickly as possible.

If a hospital issues a diagnosis of cancer, can you receive cancer diagnosis benefits?

Cancer insurance is reviewed based on the “Definition and Diagnosis of Cancer” in the terms and conditions. Therefore, if the company determines that additional verification is necessary based on the diagnosis name and the contents of the tissue biopsy results submitted by the customer, please make sure to confirm that the company can decide to pay the insurance benefits guaranteed in the terms and conditions after additional verification with the customer’s consent for on-site examination and medical advice.

I signed up for dementia insurance and was diagnosed with dementia, but why was my insurance payment rejected?

Dementia insurance benefits are paid only when dementia exceeds a certain level as specified in the terms and conditions.

<Severe dementia> refers to cases where a person has been diagnosed with dementia and has a score of 3 or higher on the cognitive function test (Clinical Dementia Rating: CDR) conducted by a person with a license in psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, or neurology.

<Moderate dementia> refers to cases where the score of the cognitive function test above is 2,

<Mild dementia> refers to cases where the score of the cognitive function test above is 1. Since the coverage varies depending on the dementia diagnosis, please refer to the terms and conditions for details.

* Note 【CDR score】
– “CDR score (2001)” is a test conducted by a dementia specialist to measure the overall cognitive function and social function level, and the total score composition is 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, with a higher score indicating a more severe condition. [Insurance premium payment] Can’t I pay my insurance premium by card? Hello, Customer,

Insurance premium card payment

Since July 2016, credit card payment can only be applied for and changed with Hyundai Card for DM products (mail order products).

I already have actual loss medical expense insurance. Can I sign up for it again?

There is no limit to the number of subscriptions, so you can sign up, but you cannot receive duplicate coverage.

<Simple example>
When signing up with 1 insurance company (Insurance Company A): Insured amount 100,000 won → 100,000 won compensation from Insurance Company A
When signing up with 2 insurance companies (Insurance Company A, Insurance Company B): Insured amount