맹장 위치 증상 Acute appendicitis | Disease Encyclopedia | Medical information | Health information | Asan Medical Center

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Acute appendicitis
acute appendicitis, acute appendicitis

Acute appendicitis means that the appendix, about 10 cm long at the tip of the cecum, becomes inflamed. The appendix is ​​a large pouch-shaped part connected to the part where the ileum of the small intestine ends and the large intestine (colon) begins. The appendix is ​​located in the right lower abdomen, specifically between the navel and the right pelvic bone protrusion.

Appendicitis is caused by a blockage of the hole in the appendix. The most common cause of obstruction of the appendix is ​​an overgrowth of lymphoid tissue around the appendix (60%). Next, hard stool may flow into the appendix and block its entrance (35%). Other causes include foreign objects ingested by mouth (hair, apple seeds, etc.) and inflammatory strictures.
The appendix consists of a long, thin tube with a closed end, so blockage in one area results in complete closure of the area below it. When the hole in the appendix is ​​blocked, the bacteria inside it proliferate, and secretions secreted from the mucosal layer cannot escape. Gradually, the amount of secretion increases, causing the appendix to dilate. Appendicitis usually occurs in the late teens to 20s, because the amount of lymphatic tissue in the appendix increases to a maximum during this time, and there is a high probability of lymphoid tissue hyperplasia.
Appendicitis causes digestive symptoms (nausea, vomiting, nausea) at first, followed by pain in the epigastric region and upper abdomen. Over time, pain in the upper abdomen passes around the navel and changes to pain in the right lower abdomen, the location of the appendix. A slight fever gradually develops, and you may feel chills.

However, atypical symptoms may also occur. Depending on the location of the appendix, pain may occur in the right flank. If it is located within the pelvis, symptoms of wanting to pass stool appear after defecation, and vague discomfort above the pubis may appear. Other main symptoms include intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, constipation, and diarrhea.
Acute appendicitis usually begins with inflammation and progresses to necrosis and perforation of the appendix. It then progresses to abscess formation around the appendix or peritonitis.

Appendicitis may be suspected if you feel pain when you press on the right lower abdomen (tenderness) or when you release your hand (reflex pain). If appendicitis progresses and causes peritonitis, muscle stiffness appears in the right lower abdomen, and a lump due to abscess formation may be palpable.

Because it is an acute inflammation, blood tests show an increase in the white blood cell count. Ultrasonography is useful if the appendix is ​​enlarged or has ruptured, causing inflammatory changes around the appendix. In young women, it helps differentiate appendicitis from diseases of the female genital organs (ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus). If the diagnosis is ambiguous, a CT scan may be performed.
Early diagnosis and early treatment (within 48 hours of onset) are essential for acute appendicitis. If several conditions do not allow surgery, early topical cold compresses and strong antibiotics are used as directed by the doctor. The main treatment for appendicitis is surgical removal of the appendix. With early surgery, most recover without complications.
If appendicitis is not properly treated, the inflammation progresses and the appendix ruptures. This causes a number of complications, including peritonitis, abscess in the abdominal cavity, and intestinal obstruction. If the timing of treatment is missed, surgery is difficult, sequelae may remain, and in severe cases, death may occur.
There is no way to prevent appendicitis. However, early treatment (surgery) when appendicitis occurs can help prevent postoperative complications.
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맹장 위치 증상
