맨발 걷기 Walking with shoes on is ‘dead walking’… Three effects of barefoot walking | JoongAng Ilbo

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We are serializing the manuscript of Park Dong-chang, chairman of the Barefoot Walking Citizens’ Movement Headquarters. Chairman Park, a former financier, served as Vice President of KB and after retiring in 2016, he is taking the lead in popularizing barefoot walking by opening a ‘Barefoot Walking Forest Path Healing School’ in Daemosan Mountain, Gangnam, and publishing books. 〈Editor’s Note〉
Park Dong-chang, chairman of the Barefoot Walking Citizens’ Movement Headquarters, called barefoot walking ‘living walking.’ Provided by Barefoot Walking Citizen Movement Headquarters
People look at me strangely when I walk barefoot. I was like that too. The reason I became a barefoot walking evangelist is because I experienced the effects of barefoot walking.
Twenty years ago, when I was 49 years old, I was working as the president of LG Polish Petrobank in Warsaw, Poland. I was under a lot of stress due to the bank withdrawal issue, and my health deteriorated. At that time, I came across barefoot walking on TV and went for a walk through a forest in Poland. I was in a good mood, so I walked along the forest path every morning and went to work. My health improved after I started walking barefoot. Liver levels decreased, insomnia and tinnitus improved. This is why I walk barefoot every day and actively recommend it to those around me.
This is by no means denying the achievements of modern medicine. However, I have no doubt that walking barefoot can improve the treatment effect. Since 2016, a free barefoot walking forest path healing school has been held at Daemosan Mountain in Gangnam, Seoul. We are taking a break due to the new coronavirus infection, but we plan to start again soon.
A barefoot walking forest path healing school is being held at Daemosan Mountain in Ilwon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul. Provided by Barefoot Walking Citizen Movement Headquarters
It’s nice to hear stories from members that they sleep deeply and their skin has improved after walking barefoot, as if it were my own work. Many people say that their high blood pressure and diabetes have improved.
Perhaps this is natural. What doctors talk about on the street is to exercise. Barefoot walking is basically a walking exercise. No one denies the effectiveness of walking exercise.
However, walking barefoot is incomparably better than walking with shoes on. I tell people around me, “Walking with shoes on is ‘dead walking,’ and walking barefoot is ‘living walking.’”
To put it simply, there are three main reasons. It has an acupressure effect similar to receiving a foot massage. Additionally, the arches of the soles of the feet are stimulated and blood is pumped powerfully, improving blood circulation. Also, just as home appliances are grounded, the body and the earth meet to restore the body’s balance. This will be introduced step by step at the next opportunity.
When you step on moist ground with bare feet, you feel happy and your heart becomes generous. Quality of life can be improved and aging can be delayed. The method is simple. All you have to do is take off your shoes and socks and feel the earth with your bare feet.
Let’s break the stereotype of how one can walk barefoot. Walking barefoot is not at all unusual. Originally, humans were beings who walked the earth barefoot.
Park Dong-chang, Chairman of the Barefoot Walking Citizens’ Movement Headquarters
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Publisher: Janghee Park
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