동부화재 긴급출동 전화번호 Dongbu Fire Emergency Call Number

Customers using Dongbu Fire & Marine Insurance (renamed DB Direct) can use the emergency dispatch service when their vehicle has a problem.

동부화재 긴급출동

동부화재 긴급출동

In this post, we will learn about the DB Direct emergency dispatch service phone number and details about the emergency dispatch service.

Go to DB Direct Emergency Dispatch Service ▶
DB Direct Emergency Dispatch Service Phone Number

The DB Direct emergency dispatch service phone number is 1588-0100.

If you call this number, you can receive quick inspection and repairs from a technician in the event of an unexpected car breakdown or battery discharge.

Using DB Direct Emergency Dispatch Service

There are two ways to use DB Direct emergency dispatch service: requesting by phone number and using the DB Insurance app.

When requesting by phone number:
Call 1588-0100 and press 1 (Car Breakdown Emergency Dispatch).

After requesting emergency dispatch service, please wait until the technician arrives. When requesting through the DB Insurance app:
DB Insurance app – Google Play ▶

DB Insurance app – App Store ▶

Run the app and touch the service menu at the top of the screen > Emergency dispatch request > Enter your date of birth and mobile phone number > Agree to provide location information > Select emergency dispatch service and confirm.
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Mobile-Emergency-Dispatch-Service-Use-/-Source:-DB Insurance-Direct

Usage time: 24 hours
Usage conditions: DB Insurance auto insurance policyholder
Once the application is completed, the dispatched driver can check the location in real time.

DB Direct Emergency Dispatch Service Contents

DB Direct Emergency Dispatch Service provides the following 10 services.

Emergency Towing Service – Once a day, the vehicle will be towed to the nearest repair shop within the towing distance stated on the insurance policy, either 10km or 20km.

– If the towing distance is exceeded, the insured will bear the cost.

– If you have subscribed to the Promica Auto Care Service special contract, a limit of 60 km is provided once a day.

Fuse replacement service – If the car cannot be driven due to a fuse short, the fuse will be replaced.
Emergency fueling service – If the car cannot be driven due to the fuel running out, emergency fueling will be provided twice during the insurance period, with a limit of 3 liters per time.

– If the fuel exceeds 3 liters, the insured will bear the cost of the fuel when using the emergency fueling service again after the second use.

– In the case of LPG or electric vehicles, the vehicle will be towed to the nearest charging station within the towing distance stated on the insurance policy (the insured will bear the cost incurred for the distance exceeding the towing distance).
Emergency rescue service – If the vehicle cannot be driven due to leaving the road or hitting an obstacle, you can receive emergency rescue service.

– However, in the case of special rescues (below), a separate usage fee must be paid:

1. When receiving service with a rescue special vehicle exceeding 2.5t
2. When providing service with two or more rescue special vehicles
3. When more than 30 minutes have passed since the start of the rescue operation until the towing hook is connected
4. When rescuing a domestic or foreign vehicle of 2,500cc or more
Battery charging service – If the battery is discharged and the vehicle cannot be driven, the battery can be replaced.

– However, the customer is responsible for the actual cost, and this service is not provided for electric vehicles.
Antifreeze replenishment service – If the vehicle cannot be driven due to insufficient antifreeze, antifreeze will be refilled.

– However, this service is not provided for electric vehicles.
Tire replacement service – If the vehicle cannot be driven due to a flat tire, the tire will be replaced with a spare tire only if there is a spare tire. Unlocking Service – If you leave your car key inside the vehicle or lose it, we will unlock it for you.

– However, this service is not provided for trunk locks, foreign vehicles, or vehicles that cannot be unlocked.

– Also, we will not compensate for the cost of restoring any damaged parts that are inevitably damaged in order to unlock the vehicle.

Brake/Power Oil Replenishment Service – If you cannot drive your vehicle due to insufficient brake oil or power oil, you can replenish the missing oil.

– The limit is 1 liter, and replenishment service is not available for electric vehicles.
Tire Flat Repair Service – If your tire is punctured by a sharp object, we will repair the flat tire.

– However, if the location of the flat tire cannot be confirmed or if we cannot provide the flat tire repair service (e.g., if there is a hole in the side of the tire), you will receive an emergency towing service/tire replacement service.