도로교통공단 이러닝센터 홈페이지 Road Traffic Authority e-learning center website

Road Traffic Authority E-Learning Center Completion of Passenger Training
도로교통공단 이러닝센터

Today, we will learn how to complete the e-learning center of the Road Traffic Authority. This education is a compulsory education to acquire traffic safety knowledge that school bus workers need to know.

When driving or riding in a school bus for children, the relevant education must be completed, and those subject to supplementary education must also complete this education within the existing certificate education period. Fines may be imposed for non-compliance.

Online training is recognized as the same as offline training, and tuition is free. Then, let’s find out how to complete the e-learning center of the Road Traffic Authority.

도로교통공단 이러닝센터


Road Traffic Authority E-Learning Center Completion Method for Passenger Training

1. You need to access the Korea Road Traffic Authority website to register for classes. The website address is as follows.

>Korea Road Traffic Authority website: https://trafficedu.koroad.or.kr:8443/home/main/index





2. After accessing the homepage, click the [Sign up] button at the top right.




3. After agreeing to the terms and conditions, proceed with real-name authentication through mobile phone authentication.
(i-PIN authentication and credit card authentication are also available)




4. After entering personal information, click the register button to complete membership registration.




5. Return to the main screen and proceed with [Login].




6. Click the [School Bus Training] Request button on the main screen.




7. Click the [Apply] button at the bottom of the application screen.




8. You can take lectures by accessing My Classroom.



– You can apply for the training at any time and must complete it within 30 days from the date of application. You must complete 100% of the progress rate, and you must score 60 points or more in the test to complete the course.

– After completion of the course, you can print out the certificate of completion in My Classroom > Course List.

– New employees such as driving and riding must complete the relevant training before starting work, and those subject to supplementary training must complete the training within the next training period of the existing certificate. So far, we have looked at how to complete the e-learning center of the Road Traffic Authority.