노란우산공제 가입방법 Product Introduction – Woori Bank

노란우산공제 가입방법Go to Footer
We aim for livelihood stability from the livelihood risks caused by the closure of small businesses and small business owners, old age, etc.
Introduced as part of establishing a social safety net to provide opportunities for business recovery
It is a public deduction system operated in accordance with Article 115 of the Small and Medium Business Cooperative Act managed and operated by the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business.
It was introduced as part of the establishment of a social safety net to ensure livelihood stability from the livelihood risks caused by closure and old age of small businesses and small business owners and to provide opportunities for business recovery.
It is a product managed and operated by the Central Association and sold on consignment by Woori Bank.
This financial product is not protected by the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation in accordance with the Depositor Protection Act, but in accordance with Article 120 of the Small and Medium Business Cooperative Act, the entire payment of the policyholder (including interest) is protected.
No maturity (payment of installments until the reason for deduction occurs)
※ Subscription may be restricted in some other industries.
From KRW 50,000 to KRW 1,000,000 per month (units of KRW 10,000/monthly, quarterly automatic transfer)
compound interest per year
※ Subscribers must notify the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business in the event of a reason for payment of the deduction.
In principle, it is paid in a lump sum, but installments are possible if the deduction is paid for reasons of over 10 million won or for reasons of seniority over 60 years of age.
You can deduct up to 500,000 won per year.
※ The tax reduction effect is calculated by assuming the standard taxable amount of business income and may change according to the enactment or revision of the relevant tax laws.
1588-5000 / 1599-5000 / 1533-5000
82-2-2006-5000 (Overseas)
(Mobile phone 02-2008-5000)
Deposit 1599-8100
Loan 1599-8300

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노란우산공제 가입방법
