넷플릭스 시청기록 삭제 Delete Netflix viewing history credentials. 2. Sel

넷플릭스 시청기록 삭제
Title: How to Delete Netflix Viewing History in Just a Few Simple Steps

Netflix has become an essential part of our entertainment routine, with its vast collection of movies, TV shows, and documentaries. However, there may be times when you want to clear your viewing history for various reasons. In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of deleting your Netflix viewing history effortlessly.

Subheading 1: Why Should You Delete Your Netflix Viewing History?
Clearing your Netflix viewing history can be beneficial for several reasons, such as maintaining privacy, removing irrelevant recommendations, or starting fresh with a new profile.

Subheading 2: Step-by-Step Guide to Deleting Your Netflix Viewing History
Deleting your Netflix viewing history is a straightforward process. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Log in to your Netflix account: Go to the Netflix website and enter your login credentials.
2. Select the profile: Choose the profile for which you want to delete the viewing history.
3. Access account settings: Click on the profile icon and select the “Account” option from the dropdown menu.
4. Go to the Viewing Activity: Scroll down to the “My Profile” section and click on “Viewing Activity.”

Subheading 3: Deleting Individual Titles
If you want to remove specific titles from your viewing history, follow these steps:

1. Locate the title: Scroll through the list of titles and find the one you want to remove.
2. Click on the circle with a line through it: This icon will appear on the right side of the title.
3. Confirm the deletion: A confirmation message will ask if you want to remove the title from your viewing history. Click on “Hide” to proceed.

Subheading 4: Deleting Entire Viewing History
If you prefer to delete your entire viewing history, follow these instructions:

1. Scroll to the bottom: On the “Viewing Activity” page, scroll down until you reach the end.
2. Clear all activity: Click on the “Hide All” button to delete your entire viewing history.
3. Confirm the deletion: A confirmation message will appear; click on “Hide” to complete the process.

Subheading 5: How Long Does It Take for Deleted Titles to Disappear?
Once you delete a title from your Netflix viewing history, it may take up to 24 hours for it to completely disappear from your account.

Subheading 6: FAQs about Deleting Netflix Viewing History

1. Can I undo the deletion of a title?
Unfortunately, once you delete a title from your viewing history, it cannot be restored.

2. Will deleting my viewing history affect my recommendations?
Yes, deleting your viewing history will remove the influence of those titles on your future recommendations.

3. Can I delete my viewing history on the Netflix app?
Yes, you can delete your viewing history both on the Netflix website and on the app.

4. Can other profiles on my account see my deleted viewing history?
No, deleting your viewing history only affects the profile on which you perform the deletion.

5. Can I delete my entire viewing history on multiple profiles at once?
No, you must access each profile individually to delete its respective viewing history.

6. Does deleting my viewing history impact my continue watching feature?
No, deleting your viewing history does not affect the continue watching feature. It only removes the titles from the viewing history list.

Deleting your Netflix viewing history is a simple process that can enhance your streaming experience. Whether you want to maintain privacy, refine your recommendations, or start fresh, follow our step-by-step guide to clear your viewing history efficiently. Remember, you have the power to control what appears on your Netflix account. Happy streaming!

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