네이버멤버십 한달무료 해지 How to use Naver Plus membership for free for one month and then cancel it

네이버멤버십 한달무료 해지The benefits you can get through one-month free use of Naver Plus membership are as follows.

1. Earn up to 5% of Naver Pay
2. Free pass for digital content
3. Family account
4. Earn an extra 3% on this month’s shopping
The monthly pass for NAVER Plus membership is set at KRW 4,900 per month, and the annual pass is set at KRW 46,800 per year (KRW 3,900 per month). Currently, Naver members who are new to NAVER membership can use the membership for free for one month.

After accessing the official Naver Plus Membership website, click the Free Start Now button at the bottom of the screen to sign up for membership.

One thing to be aware of when using this service is that once you sign up and do not cancel, you will be automatically billed every month. If you want to use it for free for one month and want to cancel it, we recommend that you cancel it in advance after signing up to prevent automatic payment.

And there are two types of NAVER Membership Plus cancellation: immediate cancellation and regular payment cancellation. If you cancel immediately, you will not be able to use the service right away, and if you cancel regular payment, you will use it for this month and not use it from the next regular payment. When you apply for a one-month free trial, it is recommended that you cancel the regular payment because you have to try it for free for one month.

How to cancel subscription
Of course, even if you cancel, the points you have earned through your Naver Plus membership will remain intact. And, if you forgot to cancel and the payment was made automatically, a 100% refund is possible if you request a refund within 7 days from the day following the payment date under the condition that you have not used the digital service voucher at all. And if you request a refund after 7 days, you can get a 90% refund.

So far, we have looked at how to use Naver Plus membership for free for one month and how to cancel it. Personally, I often shop on Naver, so I am using this service. Because the accumulation benefits are so high, you are earning points that are higher than the monthly fee each month. In addition, the benefit of being able to select and use the digital content you want every month seems to be very good.

Currently, Naver is offering a one-month free trial service to those who use this service for the first time, so we recommend that you use it once and then maintain it or cancel it in the way I told you.

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