네이버 카페 초대 Sending Naver Cafe Invitations: 3 Easy and Quick Ways!

Sending Naver Cafe Invitations: 3 Easy and Quick Ways!


네이버 카페 초대

Naver Cafe is a good online community platform for sharing knowledge and information about a specific field. If cafe operators aim to boost their subscription by increasing the number of subscribers, one of the effective ways to encourage them to join the cafe is by inviting members.

In this article, we will briefly learn how to invite Naver Cafe. There are a total of three ways to invite them, and each method has its features and usage slightly different, so you can choose the appropriate method as needed.

How to Invite Naver Cafe: A Look at 3 Types
Naver Cafe invitation methods are largely classified into three categories.

Invite me to enter Naver ID
Invite me to use the invitation link
Invitation to use QR code
Let’s take a closer look at the features and usage of each method.

1. Invite Naver ID: Simple and Quick Invitation jasminevista.com
The most basic invitation method is to invite by entering the Naver ID.

Access the cafe you want to invite.
Press the button at the top to check the cafe’s information. Snow crabs are located next to the cafe’s name or at the top right.
Click the ‘Invite’ button in the menu that appears.네이버 카페 초대
Select the ‘Enter Member ID’ tab and enter up to 10 Naver IDs of the members you want to invite.
If you click the ‘Invite’ button, an invitation notification will be sent to members with the Naver ID you entered.
The advantage of Naver ID input invitation is that it is simple and fast. In addition, it can invite up to 10 members at a time, which is useful when you have to invite multiple people at once. However, there is a disadvantage that it is cumbersome to enter an ID directly, and it can only be checked through a domestic notification without sending an e-mail notification.

2. Invitation link access invitation: easy-to-share invitation code
The second way is to invite members using the invitation link.

Access the cafe you want to invite.
Press the button at the top where you can check the cafe information.
Click the ‘Invite’ button in the menu that appears.
Select the “Copy Invitation Links” tab.
You can invite members by copying the generated link and sharing it on chat messages or SNS such as Kakaotalk and Line.
The advantage of using the invitation link is that it is easy to share. It is good to use for promotional purposes as it can be copied and delivered to others easily. Also, the invitation link is valid for 14 days, and up to 300 people can be invited per month. However, the disadvantage is that it is difficult to point out a specific member and invite him/her.

3. Invitation to use QR codes: Smart and easy way to invite
Finally, it is a way to invite members using QR codes.

Access the cafe you want to invite.
Press the button at the top where you can check the cafe information.
Click the ‘Invite’ button in the menu that appears.
Select the ‘Download QR code’ tab.
A QR code is created on the screen of your smartphone, and you can download this code and have others scan it to invite you to the cafe.
The advantage of invitations using QR codes is that they are smart and easy. It is easy to recognize QR codes using smartphone cameras, so it is good to use for offline promotion. Also, the validity period of QR codes is


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