냉장고 냄새 제거 How to Get Rid of Fridge Odor – wikiHow

냉장고 냄새 제거This article was jointly written by the wikiHow editorial team and a professional researcher and has been reviewed for accuracy. The wikiHow content management team constantly reviews all posts to ensure that they comply with the wikiHow article writing rules.

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Over time, most refrigerators naturally start to develop an unpleasant odor. Just be aware that even if the smell is unpleasant, it will not affect the food in any way. If you want to get rid of odors before they permanently infiltrate your fridge, treat the foods that cause the unpleasant odors first. Place odor-fighting ingredients, such as coffee grounds or activated charcoal, in the top shelf of your refrigerator. Disposing of food that is starting to spoil right away, and always storing food in a container will help prevent odors in the refrigerator.

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