국민행복카드 발급 Issuance of National Happiness Card progress. The card

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The Issuance of National Happiness Card: A Key to Unlocking the Secret to Ultimate Happiness

In a world where stress, anxiety, and depression afflict many individuals, it is essential to prioritize being happy. Thankfully, the government of Bhutan has introduced a unique initiative to help its citizens achieve happiness. The government launched the National Happiness Card in 2017, which is a personalized card given to every citizen, enabling them to access various benefits, ensure their wellbeing, and promote overall happiness. In this blog, we will discuss the National Happiness Card in detail, how it works, its benefits, and how you can get one.

What is the National Happiness Card?

The National Happiness Card is a unique initiative of Bhutan’s government aimed at promoting Gross National Happiness (GNH), which is the country’s philosophy and measurement of progress. The card is personalized, with a photo of the cardholder, their citizenship certificate number, and other identifying information.

How does it work?

The card works like an identity card with added benefits offered by the government. The card provides access to various government services such as health care, education, and social protection schemes. It also provides discounts for various services, including transportation, hotels, and restaurants.

What are the benefits of having a National Happiness Card?

The National Happiness Card provides various benefits to its holders, including access to free healthcare services, education facilities, and subsidized rates for basic necessities such as food, housing, and transportation. It enables citizens to participate in community activities, volunteer work, and cultural events and enjoy discounts on various services.

How can I get a National Happiness Card?

To get a National Happiness Card, you must be a Bhutanese citizen and be above 18 years. The government issues the card upon application, and it is free of charge.

What are the requirements for applying for a National Happiness Card?

To apply for a National Happiness Card, you need to provide your citizenship certificate, one passport-sized photograph, and a copy of your voter ID card. You will also need to fill in an application form that you can collect from the card registration center.

Is the National Happiness Card only for Bhutanese citizens?

Yes, the National Happiness card is only available to Bhutanese citizens.

In summary, the National Happiness Card is a unique initiative of the Bhutanese government to promote the Gross National Happiness of its citizens. The card provides access to various benefits and services, discounts, and promotes overall happiness. To get a National Happiness Card, you need to be a Bhutanese citizen and above 18 years. It is free of charge and provides numerous incentives that foster community participation and cultural preservation. Get your National Happiness Card today and unlock the secret to ultimate happiness.

1. Introduction
2. What is the National Happiness Card?
3. How does it work?
4. Benefits of having a National Happiness Card
5. How to get a National Happiness Card?
6. Requirements for applying for a National Happiness Card
7. FAQs

1. What is Gross National Happiness (GNH)?
2. How did Bhutan come up with the idea of GNH?
3. How can Bhutan measure Gross National Happiness?
4. Is Bhutan the only country that focuses on GNH?
5. Why is it important to prioritize happiness?
6. Can the National Happiness Card be used outside Bhutan?

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