고용보험 가입이력 조회, 증명서 출력 및 PDF로 저장 방법 How to check employment insurance subscription history, print certificate and save as PDF

To check your employment insurance subscription history, you can apply online through a PC or mobile phone and then issue and print the information. If it is difficult to inquire or issue an application online, you can visit a Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service branch nationwide to have it issued and inquire. The easiest and fastest way to check your subscription history is through the Internet, PC, or mobile phone.

고용보험 가입이력 조회

Please check how and where to check your employment insurance subscription history to make it easier.

고용보험 가입이력 조회

Employment Insurance – Subscription History Check – Method
Please check how to check employment insurance subscription history.


1. Employment insurance

2. PC method to check employment insurance subscription history

3. Mobile method to check employment insurance subscription history

4. Methods other than online


1. Employment insurance

Before checking the employment insurance subscription history, the employment insurance subscription history statement is called by various names. Although they may be called by different names as documents required by various organizations such as employment training, financial transactions, and insurance, they are all the same documents and can be issued and submitted or searched online or offline.


Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement
Employment Insurance Insurance Eligibility Statement
Employment insurance qualification certificate

Employment insurance is a document that confirms whether a worker is enrolled in employment insurance and details of his/her qualifications and history during the subscription period. Through this document, you can check whether the worker has signed up for employment insurance, their history, and their current eligibility status.


Employment Insurance – Subscription History Check – Method
Employment Insurance – Subscription History Check – Method
Employment Insurance – Subscription History Check – Method

2. PC method to check employment insurance subscription history

1. Go to the Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service’s employment and industrial accident insurance total service page and log in to proceed. You do not need to register separately as you can log in directly using a joint certificate or financial certificate without registering as a member.

Employment Insurance – Subscription History Check – Method

2. Go to Employment and Industrial Accident Qualification History among the various menus and check employment in the insurance category. In the inquiry category, check full-time if you are a full-time employee, or daily if you work as a part-time or daily worker to check the detailed qualification management history.


Employment Insurance – Subscription History Check – Method

3. Your personal history will appear, and you can select the necessary information and send it by email or apply for issuance.


Employment Insurance – Subscription History Check – Method
Go apply now

3. Mobile method to check employment insurance subscription history

You can easily check and issue employment insurance subscription history via mobile using the Government 24 app. After downloading the Government 24 app (regardless of Android or App Store), search for “Employment Insurance Qualification Resume” in the search box and proceed with the inquiry.


Government 24 Android app download

Government 24 App Store Download

Search for “Employment Insurance Qualification History Statement” service in the Government 24 app.
Issuing a confirmation of employment insurance subscription history
Log in using the app (simple authentication, joint certificate, financial certificate)
Set the required working date and select printing on a printer or sending to KakaoTalk electronic document wallet.
After processing is completed, preview and employment insurance subscription history inquiry is completed.