경동도시가스 고객센터 및 전화번호 Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center and Phone Number

For those of you who visit the Kyungdong City Gas Customer Center, are you trying to inquire about this?

경동도시가스 고객센터

경동도시가스 고객센터

“Gas is leaking”
“I’m moving. What should I do to pay the gas bill?”
“I want to apply (cancel) to use city gas.”


I call customer service for various problems, but it’s really hard to get through to the phone during busy times. As with any call center, if I listened to “Connecting” for several minutes, I started to get angry. I will tell you how to connect quickly and the details of the work.

1. Kyungdong City Gas Customer Center phone number & operating hours

If you have any problems or questions while using city gas, it is best and most convenient to contact a counselor directly. Kyungdong City Gas Customer Center phone number is 1577-8181. Business hours for calls are from 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM on weekdays and from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.



What if gas is leaking? Because this can lead to a serious accident, you can report the accident at any time, regardless of time.

2. How to quickly connect to Kyungdong City Gas Customer Center

When I call customer service, voice guidance comes out, and I wonder, “Why is it so frustrating and a waste of time to listen to all this?”

However, if you know the speed dial number, you can quickly connect with an agent. Problem handling speed is increased by more than 70%. If so, I need to know what inquiry I want.


I have moved & I am moving (Press the main number and press 2+)

I think this is the main reason why I want to connect to the Kyungdong City Gas Customer Center.

Inquiry about gas rates (Press main number + 3)



I’m curious about the deposit account, I’d like to check the deposit, I’d like to make a credit card payment, and I’d like to issue a tax invoice.

Gas fees are reduced for people with multiple children, recipients of basic welfare, and people with disabilities. Contact customer service and ask for a reduction in your gas bill!


I will register the meter reading, inquire about the boiler service contractor (press main number and call number 4, 5 +)


I’ll just connect with a counselor (press main number and then dial 0)



Actually, this is the fastest method, but I do not recommend it. This is because when I call, I have to ask again what part I was inquiring about, and I don’t want to wait one more time while being told that I will connect you to the relevant department. However, some people find this method more convenient, so just press 0 after connecting to customer service.

3. Aren’t you curious about this?

What should I do about gas facilities when moving or leaving?
I want to know the city gas usage fee and how to calculate it.
I would like to apply for, cancel, or change automatic city gas bill transfer.
I moved in and want to start a new gas supply. What should I do?
How can I check the history of fees paid and unpaid amounts?
I have paid the unpaid bill. I’m trying to supply gas, what should I do?


You may have many questions about gas connection or rates. You can get quick answers in various cases. Find answers to your questions through Gyeongdong City Gas frequently asked questions.


Go to Gyeongdong City Gas Frequently Asked Questions

Through the Kyungdong City Gas Customer Center, we have provided information that you may be curious about. We hope that your questions have been resolved well, and if you have any further questions, please talk to a counselor through the call center.