건축물의 대지와 도로 Based on building permit road width and length of adjacent parts

건축물의 대지와 도로In order to receive a building permit or report, the width of the road facing the site must be at least 4m, and the length of the adjoining part must be at least 2m.

[Building Act] Article 2 Definition
11. Road means a road with a width of 4 meters or more that allows pedestrian and automobile passage (in cases where automobile passage is topographically impossible or a dead-end road, a road with the structure and width prescribed by Presidential Decree), which falls under any of the following items or is scheduled for such road:
[Building Act] Article 44
① The site of the building must be adjacent to a road (excluding roads used only for automobile traffic) of 2 meters or more. However, this is not the case if it falls under any of the following subparagraphs.
(2) Necessary matters concerning the width of the road adjoining the site of the building, the length of the portion of the site adjoining the road, and other relations between the site and the road shall be determined by the Presidential Decree.

[Building Act Enforcement Decree] Article 2-3
Roads with structures and widths prescribed by Presidential Decree in parts other than each item of Article 2 (1) 11 of the Act mean roads falling under any of the following subparagraphs:

[Building Act Enforcement Decree] Article 28
① “Public space prescribed by Presidential Decree” in Article 44 (1) 2 of the Act refers to squares, parks, amusement parks, and other open spaces recognized by the permitting authority as construction of which is prohibited pursuant to relevant laws and regulations and which do not impede public traffic.
(2) Pursuant to Article 44 (2) of the Act, the site of a building with a total floor area of ​​at least 2,000 square meters (3,000 square meters in the case of a factory) (excluding barns, crop-growing houses, and other similar buildings, excluding buildings with a scale prescribed by an ordinance on construction) shall be adjacent to a road with a width of at least 6 meters by at least 4 meters.

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건축물의 대지와 도로
