유튜브 검색기록 삭제 3 ways to delete YouTube search history (computer, iPhone, Android)

유튜브 검색기록 삭제I would like to introduce how to delete YouTube search history on computer, iPhone, and Android. When using YouTube, you may accidentally come across videos that you do not want to show to others. In this case, you can easily reset your YouTube search history by deleting your search history. If you have … Read more

유튜브 검색기록 삭제 How to delete and turn off YouTube search history / viewing history – Manager Yoon’s small daily stories

유튜브 검색기록 삭제index ※ If you delete your search history, your viewing history will also be deleted, so unless you are deleting only the viewing history separately, you can simply delete the search history. 1. Move search history First, go to the YouTube homepage using a browser such as PC Chrome or Whale, log in, … Read more