SKT Customer Center phone number and business hours. Use this when you need consultation while using SK Telecom mobile phones, landlines, or roaming.
SKT Customer Center phone number: Mobile phone
There are three customer center phone numbers related to SKT mobile phone use. When calling the customer center directly from a mobile phone using SKT, press [114] to connect to SKT. If you are not an SKT user, you can also use 080-011-6000 or 1599-0011. However, please note that 1599-0011 is not a free number. Therefore, it would be better to use 114 or 080-011-6000.
114 (free) from SKT mobile phones
080-011-6000 (free)
1599-0011 (paid)
SKT Customer Center business hours are from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. However, they say that lost reports, roaming consultations, and consultations related to call quality issues are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And they say that connections may be limited from 12:00 to 13:00, which is lunch time. Try calling during this time. They are not open on Saturdays.
Business hours: Weekdays 9:00 to 18:00 (not open on Saturdays)
If you want to connect to a counselor right away after calling, press 0. For other short-cut numbers, refer to the information below.
◐ SKT Customer Center Shortcut Number
0: Connect to a counselor
1: Inquiries about usage fees and payment
2: Rate plans, remaining basic calls, mobile phone installment, and optional contracts
3: Data refill, gifts, subscription products, and additional services
4: Mobile phone payment, content usage fee confirmation
5: Device change, loss, suspension, Internet TV subscription
6: T roaming service
SKT Landline Customer Center
If you use SK Telecom’s landline, the customer center phone number is operated separately. Call 080-816-2000 or 1600-2000.
080-816-2000 (free)
1600-2000 (paid)
SKT Landline Customer Center business hours are from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, and from 9:00 to 12:00 on Saturdays.
Business hours: Weekdays 9:00 ~ 18:00, Saturdays 9:00 ~ 12:00
If you would like to connect to a customer service representative at SK Telecom’s landline customer service center, call 080-816-2000 and press 0 to connect to a staff member who can consult on all services. To connect to a specialized customer service representative for the service you want, please refer to the customer service representative connection number below.
◑ SKT landline speed dial (consultant connection
1: Internet, TV subscription specialized customer service representative
2: Moving, fee, and various change customer service representative
3: Cancellation service specialized customer service representative
4: Failure report and fault handling customer service representative
0: Consultant connection