rtg오메가3 추천 및 고르는법 (feat.총정리)How to recommend and select rtg omega 3 (feat. Summary)

Considering the health of the age of longevity, we supplement nutrients that cannot be satisfied with food. Omega 3 is one of the essential nutrients. These days, Altiji Omega 3 is popular. Let’s learn more about the benefits of rtige omega 3.


How to choose omega 3 wisely
Why is Altage Omega 3 good?
Altage Omega 3 Various Benefits
How to increase RT Omega 3 absorption?
Do not take with RT Omega 3 ‘this’
How to choose omega 3 wisely

Altage Omega 3 Benefits
Among the omega-3 products on the market, various products are sold according to the raw material and form, such as Altage Omega 3 and vegetable Omega 3. However, to choose a safe omega-3 supplement with a high absorption rate, you must first look at its molecular structure. Omega 3 is divided into TG, EE, and RTG (RTG) depending on the molecular structure. Each form has a different purity and absorption rate, so it is good to know why RT Omega 3 is good before taking it.

↓↓↓ How to choose rtage omega 3 smartly ↓↓↓


rtg오메가3 추천

rtg오메가3 추천


‘Altigio Mega 3’ encompassing 2070… how to choose wisely

Omega 3 is one of the most popular nutrients in Korea regardless of age and gender. This is because various effects have been proven, such as improving neutral lipids and blood circulation, improving memory, and preventing dementia. Among them, the latest ‘3rd generation

Why is Altage Omega 3 good?

◇ TG type


As the first-generation omega-3, the fatty acid form that exists in nature is TG-type omega-3. One unsaturated fatty acid and two saturated fatty acids are combined with glycerol, which helps the absorption of fatty acids, so the absorption rate is excellent. However, it has the disadvantage of low purity due to the large amount of unnecessary saturated fatty acids. The 2nd generation EE type came out by improving these shortcomings.


Altage Omega 3 Benefits
◇ EE type

The EE type has excellent purity by removing saturated fatty acids through a refining process, leaving only unsaturated fatty acids. However, since ethanol is included instead of glycerol, the absorption rate is low, which can reduce the effectiveness of omega-3. RTG Omega 3 is an improved version of the EE type.


◇ RTG Omega 3


RTG (Altige) Omega 3 is the 3rd generation that compensates for the disadvantages of TG and EE types. Since 3 unsaturated fatty acids are combined with glycerol, both purity and absorption rate are high. In fact, as a result of the Copenhagen University research team comparing the bioavailability of each type of omega 3, RTG was the highest at 124%, followed by TG 100% and EE at 73%. If it is difficult to take omega 3 because of the fishy smell from the stomach, Altiji Omega 3 is highly pure and has a high bioabsorption rate, so you can maximize the effect.


Altage Omega 3 Benefits
Altage Omega 3 Various Benefits

Effects of Altage Omega 3 1. Improvement of blood triglyceride and blood circulation

The factor that increases the risk of arteriosclerosis is the high level of triglycerides in the blood. Altiji omega-3 (unsaturated fatty acid) reduces the synthesis of triglycerides in the liver, lowers the concentration of triglycerides in the blood, and inhibits the clumping of platelets to prevent blood clotting. It has the effect of smoothing the flow and preventing the formation of blood clots.


Altage Omega 3 Benefits
RT Omega 3 efficacy 2. Prevention of heart disease

RT Omega 3 prevents excessive blood coagulation in the arteries, improves the balance of cholesterol and other fat particles in the blood, and prevents heart disease such as heart attack and sudden cardiac death by preventing inflammation.


Altage Omega 3 Benefits
Altage omega 3 efficacy 3. Treatment and prevention of dry eye syndrome

Among modern people who use smartphones and computers a lot, there are people who suffer from dry eye syndrome. The DHA component contained in RTG Omega 3 prevents the tear gland from drying out, so it helps to produce and distribute an appropriate amount of tears in the eyeball, helping to prevent dry eye syndrome. Those who suffer from dry eye syndrome can alleviate the symptoms by taking Altiji Omega 3.


Altage Omega 3 Benefits
4. Prevention of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases

The effect of rtige omega 3 has the effect of creating anti-inflammatory substances in the body. Continuing to take RT Omega 3 increases the concentration of anti-inflammatory substances in the blood, suppresses inflammation, and makes white blood cells active, which is effective for the body’s immunity. RT Omega 3 has the function of regulating inflammation, so it can help prevent and treat autoimmune diseases such as lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis.


Altage omega 3 efficacy 5. Prevention of atopic dermatitis

Altige Omega 3 is said to be effective in maintaining the health of pregnant women and fetuses, preventing atopic dermatitis, attention deficit in children, dyslexia, and preventing and treating inflammation such as asthma and mouth sores.


Altage Omega 3 Benefits
Altyg Omega 3 efficacy 6. Depression improvement

It is said that Altiji Omega 3 is effective in strengthening the resistance effect against stress. In addition, it is said that through the strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action of Altiji Omega 3, brain nerve transmission is smooth and mood change is possible. Moderate consumption of fatty fish and seafood has been linked to reduced incidence of depression.


Altage Omega 3 Benefits
7. Anti-inflammatory effect of rtage omega 3

Altige omega-3 benefits have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. RT Omega 3 may help lower inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 in the body. Increasing intake of Algage omega-3 fatty acids reduces bad cholesterol and triglycerides to the extent that arthritis patients on anti-inflammatory medications may be able to reduce their dose or even stop taking them.


How to increase RT Omega 3 absorption?
Altiji Omega 3 is a fat-soluble component that requires oil to be effectively absorbed into the body. It is recommended to eat right after a meal so that it melts together with the fat in the food. It is said that it is more effective to take it together with ‘this’ that prevents rancidity as it is easy to go rancid by air or heat. More details can be found below.

⭕️ Altige Omega 3 should be taken with ‘this’ to increase efficacy ⭕️

Altijiomega 3, which is good for the body, should be consumed together to increase the efficacy [Let’s know and eat nutrients]

Omega 3 is a representative health functional food. Looking at the 2021 health functional food market statistics researched by the Korea Health Functional Food Association, EPA and DHA-containing oils (omega 3) ranked 4th as the most sold functional ingredient.

Do not take with RT Omega 3 ‘this’
While there are things that increase the effect by eating with Altiji Omega 3, if you eat Altiji Omega 3 like ‘this’, it can be rather poisonous. There are some things you shouldn’t eat with omega 3. Please check below.

❌ Do not eat with RT Omega 3, ‘this’ ❌

“Don’t eat together”… Compatibility nutritional supplements

[Discovery of Life] deals with subjects closely related to our lives. It includes everything you eat, wear, and live in. It is always by our side, but it is easy to read the back stories about the facts that we did not know well.

Altiji Omega 3, please be sure to understand the good and bad things to eat together. 🙂