가스라이팅 뜻 gaslighting meaning

Gaslighting means to strengthen mental dominance by cleverly manipulating the victim’s psychology or situation, making the victim judge that he or she has low judgment, and eventually relying on the perpetrator of gaslighting. In a nutshell, it means to play with the other person’s heart and let them sway themselves. It’s kind of like brainwashing. … Read more

카카오뱅크 고객센터 How to contact Kakao Bank customer center phone number chatbot

Unlike in the past, internet banking is the trend these days. I use Shinhan Bank as the main, but as a freelancer, I use Kakao Bank as I need several bankbooks. ​ In fact, in a world where you can do most of your business without actually going to a bank teller, you don’t have … Read more

네이버 웨일 업데이트 How to update Naver Whale browser quickly

The most used Internet browsers worldwide are listed below. Category Google Chrome Chrome Apple Safari Safari MS Edge 네이버 웨일 업데이트 Edge Firefox Firefox Samsung Internet Opera Opera Share (%) 65.87% 18.61% 4.13% 3.26% 2.87% 2.11% JFactory Global Internet brows er share as of June 2022 Google’s Chrome has a share of over 65, almost … Read more

카카오뱅크 통장사본 Easy to print a copy of Kakao Bank passbook

After that, you just need to select the confirmation of account opening and then select the issuance method. (The account opening confirmation is a copy of the passbook) ​ ​ Then, a list of my bankbooks is displayed. After selecting the desired account, click the Apply button. 카카오뱅크 통장사본 When the application is completed, the … Read more

카카오페이 비밀번호 찾기 How to find Kakao Pay password? change

Today I will tell you how to find Kakao Pay password. In Korea, the pay culture through Kakao has been established and it has become very convenient as many people use it, and I am using it as well. However, if you forgot your password at the time of payment, you may experience inconvenience in … Read more

쿠팡 탈퇴 How to withdraw from Coupang Resolved by withdrawing from Coupang

For those who want to see it simply, I think it would be good to see it this way. These days, the wave of #Coupang withdrawal continues due to the #CoupangFire #CoupangEats sudden death incident. Even though the employee has already reported twice to Coupang Fire, negligent handling has led to great talent. Objectively, it’s … Read more

카카오톡 업데이트 KakaoTalk Message Scheduled Transmission Update

From the 17th, KakaoTalk has the ability to send scheduled messages, and if you update to the latest version, you can send scheduled messages through KakaoTalk. We’ll show you how to send it and how to use it. ​ ​ KakaoTalk KakaoTalk Message Scheduled Sending Function Update​ 카카오톡 업데이트 For your reference, as of the … Read more